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A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Nächstes mal dann auch in mic reinsprechen...
Aber naja, dein standpunkt ist atm das youtube-dl an sich funktioniert (via command prompt gezeigt) aber im Bot nicht, stimmts?
But the problem is not every song is mixed to the same DB level. So if you want only to start transmitting at X db then another quite song could be massively cutted and distorted due to cutting out of it. Aka another source of QQ threads.
If a country can't access the "Internet" then how did they know or let alone getting the Sinusbot in the first place?
AFAIK I'm in the "Internet" now and Sinusbot has no big reseller shop chain in any countries.
Or flyth didn't told us all.....
soweit ich weiß heißt das meist das youtube-dl iwie zerschossen ist, guck dir mal das wiki und andere threads an:
i mean permission to execute a program/read/write files. If you have created those files with the root user and want to start them now as another user(bot user etc) it need to have rights to see/use those files under linux (same under windows, there it asks for admin/user password)
The command...
lad neuste version runter 0.9.21 glaube das wurde da gefixt, war zumindest iwas mit !say oder !playlist was da gefixt wurde
Edit: evtl doch nicht, gerade nochmal nachgeguckt
Edit2: Derp in german but you are german too, so all good.
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