• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Lala Sabathil

    Licence pending longer than 7 days?

    Just update the bot as written in the faq
  2. Lala Sabathil

    Sinusbot on Ubuntu 22.04

    A fix is on the way
  3. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    Natively no, spotify doesn't have support, but as @scheissegalo wrote, there are some scripts.
  4. Lala Sabathil

    Discord timeout/fails to reconnect to channel.

    We currently have no updates for windows. No ETA either. We suggest using a linux server.
  5. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    So I asked and the speech stuff isn't in this version.
  6. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    It doesn't seem so. I wrote flyth for more infos
  7. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    No ETAs here ;)
  8. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    Or join our discord server and create a post in #support! Link: https://discord.gg/h6s5Ykc
  9. Lala Sabathil

    Discord timeout/fails to reconnect to channel.

    We are aware of that issue. Due to private life stuff we can't provide a fix that fast. Sorry for that
  10. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    News will be posted if we have some
  11. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    F A Q
  12. Lala Sabathil

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    @steveq7 don't post multiple messages, one is enough. And as it says it's an error of your system. You might try first to execute it manually and search this forum first. This was posted like a thousand times already
  13. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

  14. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    That’s nothing anyone needs to worry about hehe 😜 Just wait till more informations are posted.
  15. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    Wir reden hier von der license page im Forum. Es gibt kein bot update. Bitte lese die Posts hier nochmal genau durch.
  16. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    Someone hasn’t read the faq ever. You were never able to buy a license :)
  17. Lala Sabathil

    Upcoming Changes

    No ETA.
  18. Lala Sabathil

    Was haben die mit Teamspeak gemacht?

    Du solltest sie die news genauer durchlesen. Discord wird nicht durch Microsoft übernommen. Sie haben nur eine Partnerschaft für voice remote Funktion. Die Übernahme hat discord abgelehnt. Zu TS5: Ja viele Features fehlen noch. Teamspeak scheint sich mehr darauf zu konzentrieren discord...