• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. C

    User Cannot login

    I have given my friend access to login and all other permissions and he has registered, When he tries to log in it says Unauthorized, Please help!
  2. C

    Hi, I'm using your animated name script (Great job BTW) but it spams server chat with my bot...

    Hi, I'm using your animated name script (Great job BTW) but it spams server chat with my bot changing its name how do I stop it?
  3. C

    Script Problems

    Sorry, I'm not that good at fourms stuff, I'm new to sinusbot, thanks.
  4. C

    Script Problems

    I try'd to use the Advertising Text script, there's no errors because I don't know how to use it much, it just says it will say the configured sentence every x seconds but I don't know how to configure it.
  5. C

    Script Problems

    I use windows 10 on SinusBot version 0.9.15 and I downloaded a script and put it into the Scripts folder, I enabled it in the list and checked the box, I turned my bot on and off (I don't know if that's a proper restart) and it didn't work, Please help.
  6. C


    it seems to work now (after my pc crashed playing csgo) thanks for helping anyways, time to find out my next problem with scripts c;
  7. C


    I reinstalled youtube-dl and still does not work I looked in the bot logs and found nothing but when I turned it on I saw this in the instance logs 2016-11-03T08:39:37+00:00 PRIVATE-CHAT [Apple Crumble Bot] Downloading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fxq7kqyWO8 2016-11-03T08:39:37+00:00 CHAT 2...
  8. C


    Hi so I posted a post a few days ago about my problem but I found out whats wrong ish but it still does not work, I say the link in chat but this happens https://gyazo.com/198d6626ba6cc1d274aa74c103f2823c you think its all good from there but it does not play it just downloads then I look in...
  9. C

    Youtube Bot

    i edited what you said but it still does not work, people say put my log level at 10 but i dont know how the only thing i seen that might change it is 300LogLevel but if i change it to 10LogLevel it still doesnt work
  10. C

    Youtube Bot

    so i am on windows 10 and i have python installed and youtube-dl.exe on my pc, i say in the chat to my bot !yt (link) it says its downloading but does nothing after, i looked on fourms for a post to help but i couldent find one, this is my config TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3...
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