• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. vincolus

    DE Nutzung des Sinusbot Web-API Audio Stream / usage of sinusbot web-api audio stream

    Ich weiß, dass das früher mal geklappt hat, aber nun bekomme ich immer einen Fehler 401, wenn ich versuche, auf den OGG-Opus-Enkodierten Audio-Stream mittels Web-API zuzugreifen. Ich versuche es folgendermaßen: 1.) Ich hole mir einen Token für den Webstream wie hier beschrieben...
  2. F

    TS3 ServerGroup Assignment Notifier 1.1

    Plays an audio track when a servergroup is assigned. Multiple servergroups may be tracked Does not pause/resume music (may be added in future release) May or may not work on discord (untested)
  3. TrokonHD

    Audio Device

    Hello, I wanted to create a Bot but if i want to play it doesnt work so I found this error: http://prntscr.com/ajneqz Please help me fixing it. PS: If someone is German, please write German.
  4. mgi

    Feature Add ability to capture audio stream from TS

    Hi, I'm working on a bot, and I'd like to be able to capture the audio stream from the users in the same channel as the bot. My initial aim is to trigger events based on who is talking (so, knowing which user it is would be helpful). Going forward I'd like to work on voice recognition. I...
  5. M

    TS3 Audio und Playback Error

    Hey Leute, gestern habe ich mir den Sinusbot heruntergeladen. Habe ihn gestartet und auf der Webside meine Musik hochgeladen. Das Problem ist aber, wenn ich den TS öffne. Es erscheint ein Error Feld. Darin steht: The configured playback device was not found. Instead using: Lautsprecher (2-...
  6. 5rock4

    Feature Setting to stop streaming audio when nobody else is present in the channel.

    This would be a major bandwidth saver for people who don't always have their bot's channel occupied. (I'm sorry if you don't like me making too many threads for feature requests. I don't want to piggyback my threads.)
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