• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. DrWarpMan

    TS3 Online Clients Record [+POPULATION STATISTICS] 2.3.0

    This script is no longer maintained/supported. It may or may not work. ALWAYS USE THE LATEST VERSION OF SINUSBOT! Idea: @DrWarpMan Author: @DrWarpMan Github: https://github.com/DrWarpMan/sinusbot-scripts Online Clients Record Show the most online clients record in a channel name or a topic...
  2. TwentyFour

    TS3 Anti-Solitary-Clients 1.2.3

    📜 Take action against solitary clients! requested by @maxx8888, ideas refined by @itsme Required SinusBot version: 1.0 Allows you to perform various punishments for being solo in a TeamSpeak channel: 👉 Move to a channel 👉 Kick to lobby 👉 Kick from server Whitelisting of multiple server...
  3. Filtik

    Privat message or poke to all clients 1.0

    Privat message or poke to all clients Hier kann man sagen, Name ist Programm. Kurzfassung: !pmtoall [message] = Sendet eure Message an alle Clients !poketoall [message] = Sendet eure Poke Message an alle Clients In der Config müsst ihr die UID eintragen wer dies benützen darf.
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