• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. Nocturnal_Toker

    Sinusbot + YoutubeWebInterface - Error help :)

    We where using the bot ourselves a few hours ago no issues then randomly it just stopped working. I have tried a server restart, a program restart. I removed the script started the bot and then reinstalled the script and restarted it and still nothing. Can anyone shed some light on what this...
  2. B

    Solved Sinusbot needs an older Teamspeak version to work but the new TS3 update doesn't allow older versions of teamspeak to connect to my server

    what the title says, I open Sinus bot, it opens the older teamspeak to run Sinusbot, it tries to connect to my server, as of the last teamspeak update it says the teamspeak client needs to be updated to go on my server, sinus won't run if I update the teamspeak client, so i'm stuck at an impass...
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