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idle mover

  1. B

    betterAFK 1.2

    With this Script you can easily move idle users into a configured AFK-Channel. You can select groups and uuids, which the bot should not interact with. You can also select channels as alternate AFK-Channels and the bot won't move clients out of these channels. After a certain amount of time...
  2. C

    EN [REQUEST] Move after specified time since joining channel

    Hi, could anyone program a script which moves users from the welcome channel (or a channel which can be specified) to another channel after a configured time? Nice to configure would be: Time until move The channels from where to move The destination channel Maybe selectable options like when...
  3. irgendwr

    TS3 AFK mover (Away/Mute/Deaf/Idle) v2.4.0

    Note: This script is not being updated frequently - it should still work fine though. Requires an up to date sinusbot (v0.13.37 or later). Installation: Download the script and put it in the scripts folder Reload/restart the bot Go to your webinterface > Settings > Scrips and enable the script...
  4. Q

    EN Client idle variable

    Hello, I'm a programmer and im trying to customize script: Idle Mover by Friese. The problem is that the 'idle' variable, loaded from getChannels() method, has always the same "random?" value. It is changing only when player connect again. I'm not sure if there is way to update this variable...
  5. Fuzz3

    Bug Idle Mover not working

    Hi, so im using idle mover on sinusbot but its not working My channel is [cspacer]AFK ZONE i try to put the name of the channel on sinusbot: AFK ZONE and [cspacer]AFK ZONE and nothing the bot has permissions to move but it doesnt work, i put 60 seconds to test and nothing
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