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betterAFK 1.2

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With this Script you can easily move idle users into a configured AFK-Channel.

You can select groups and uuids, which the bot should not interact with. You can also select channels as alternate AFK-Channels and the bot won't move clients out of these channels. After a certain amount of time clients will get kicked from the server for being idle. All messages and durations configurable. Enjoy!

Please give this script a try and report errors, it's my first script!

Update 2018: This ressource is outdated and won't be updated any longer. It may work for you or not, but I won't help you since it's not really my fault that you cant really code something like this with sinusbot. I recommend using a querybot instead of sinusbot as a afk-mover.
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  1. Added some Options

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    This update should finally fix the bug thrown by empty IgnoringLists. Let me now about other...
  3. Bugfix

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Gutes Script. Funktioniert sehr gut...
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