• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. W

    Cannot login to web interface

    Hi, I have a problem when trying to login to web interface. I type my username and password, click login and nothing happens. I have already tried deleting the data folder but the problem still occurs. Thanks for help in advance
  2. S

    Solved Sinusbot on vServer / Sinusbot auf vServer

    [ENGLISH] Hello, I've installed the bot on my vServer, nothing gone wrong, but if i want to open my webinterface, appeared an error by firefox "Connection failed" and something else with SSL. Now theres no connection to the Server; i'll add informations if i know more. Sorry for the bad...
  3. Lala Sabathil

    Did you know? Best Functionaly TTS Api

    The best APi for the Bot is '] On http://ispeech.org/api you can see diferent voices, you can choose. The speed -2 is optimal.
  4. G

    Feature Webanzeige für Anonyme

    Hallo, auch wenn dies hier nicht das "Lob und Kritik" Forum ist, möchte ich mich am Anfang für Ihren ausgezeichnet laufenden Bot bedanken ! Ich bin schon länger in der Beta dabei und mir ist nun ein, meiner Meinung nach, nettes Feature eingefallen. Wenn man sich bei dem Bot registriert hat und...
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