• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. M

    Sinusbot lagging on discord

    Hey my freshly installed (tried thrugh docker and normal) is laggein every 15-30s . Version: 1.0.0-beta.16-ba60e37 Os: Ubunt 20 Its a vps from strato
  2. J


    I'am on debian 9.5 and the music lag but the bot have 4 ms and no packet lost i don't know why i search on your forum but nothing work so you have a solution ? the SampleInterval is at 160 like this post https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/laggy-and-distorted-audio-attached.822/ but laggin again
  3. BadassOverlord

    Bot lags every 15-60 secs

    Hi guys, I looked around to see if anyone else is having the same problem as me, but I couldn't find anything in English. Around 1 month ago, but my Sinusbot has been getting a lag spike every 15-60 seconds (it's completely random). It makes listening to the bots completely unbearable. This...
  4. Q

    Sound Quality/Lag: Help Troubleshoot?

    Greetings, Just installed and set up sinusbot and have a question regarding sound quality. No matter what i've read across the forum, i seem to keep getting lag in clean sound causing that familiar transformer/lag sound. I've done the port forwarding, setting TS & sinusbot's wifi priority, set...
  5. K

    Mein SinusBot laggt.

    Hallo Community, ich habe mir die neueste Version des SinusBots geholt und gleich installiert. Ich starte den Bot (Windows 7) und verbinde ihn mit meinen Teamspeak 3 Server. Wenn ich iLoveRadio o.ä Musik abspiele fängt er an zu laggen. Ich habe im Task-Manager schon die Priorität auf Hoch...
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