• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. DrWarpMan

    TS3 Timed Groups 0.1

    This script is no longer maintained/supported. It may or may not work. ALWAYS USE THE LATEST VERSION OF SINUSBOT! Idea: @Ghett. Author: @DrWarpMan Timed Groups Automatically remove specified groups from clients, after specified amount of time Can be useful when you want to give your client...
  2. Pheeko

    EN getPermissions() does not work with ServerGroup object.

    When I try to retrieve ServerGroup permission list it prompts with this error: Error in script (event chat): TypeError: 'getPermissions' is not a function Methods id() and name() works perfectly. The others like: icon() and getPermissions() returns same error: Here's the code. var raw_groups =...
  3. xr_king28


    Moin zusammen, ich wollte mal fragen ob es ne Möglichkeit gibt das Permissionssystem ganz zu deaktivieren? Oder einen Bot an mehrere Servergruppen zu binden? Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen MfG Lukas
  4. AltBen

    Feature permission system | User Homes/Playlists and Shared Folders/Playlists

    [English] Sorry, im german, so this is a short english form Hello, I have an idea for an sinusbot feature. I think it would be a good idea to add user specific homes and global folders, so that an admin can choose if the user can write only in his folder and not in the global folder or in...
  5. oheoh

    Bug Wofür braucht der Bot diese Rechte?

    Hallo, erstmal SEHR geil was ihr macht. Mir ist allerdings aufgefallen, dass der Bot nach Rechten auf dem TS greift, wo mir nicht ganz klar ist, wozu er die Bräuchte. Sind diese Rechte wichtig für die Funktion des Bots? Wenn ja, warum? Ansonsten bitte entfernen, da als ich das gesehen hab ich...
  6. BadassOverlord

    Feature [Request] Skip voting

    Hey guys, I was wondering if it was possible to add a feature that allows users to skip by voting. Basically, a certain percentage of all users in the TeamSpeak channel have to vote !next or something, and if the conditions are met, it skips the song. People have different tastes and if too...
  7. gfreak01

    Feature Different YouTube Permissions for !yt and !ytdl

    After setting up the YouTube section of the SinusBot for my TS server I was setting up permissions for different users and noticed, and correct me if I'm wrong, if you give a user permissions to add music and perform a !yt command so they can play a song from a YouTube link, they also receive...
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