• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. SrMathew

    I can only create a panel with port 8887, I don't know how to do it with other ports

    Hello, I am using the scripts from the official sinusbot page, I have already created a panel, but I have the problem that I do not know how to create another panel with port 8888, whenever I try to do something it is created with port 8887, notice I don't know much about sinusbot and that's why...
  2. SinusStudios

    Solved Host SinusBot inside Webspace

    Hello forum, i'd like to know if it's possible to host the SinusBot admin panel inside my existing webspace, let's say "domain.com/sinusbot/". I've already asked my domain provider and he told me that because browser don't support SRV there is no way to have SinusBot run on another sub domain...
  3. lemon

    Bug Bot Website startet nicht unter Port 80

    Hi, wenn ich den Sinusbot mit Port 80 starten will ist die Website nicht erreichbar.. jemand eine Idee woran das liegen könnte? Auf TS connected der Bot trotzdem, aber die Website geht nicht.
  4. Janking_

    Solved Port des Web interfaces ändern

    Hi! Ich habe den Sinusbot auf einem Debian root installiert und würde gerne den Port fürs WI ändern. Ist das möglich? LG Jan