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Audio Seeking Broken


The audio.seek method still seems to be broken.
I'm using the following code:
event.on('chat', function (ev) {
  if (ev.text == "!seek") {

It skips ahead in the web UI but it just replays the track from the beginning whether i'm streaming the file or playing a predownloaded one.


is reticulating splines
Staff member
Seek does only work if
  • the track is on disk (no streaming)
  • the track has a file format that supports seeking
  • the track contains information on the length in it's headers
Is all of that the case? Then I'd have to look into it. Does seeking using the web interface work?


Is it file formats with suitable header info that support seeking?
I have a few tracks uploaded to the bot that I can seek through using the webUI but not using my !seek command. audio.seek just restarts the track
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