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Get Duration in API

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Greetings, How can I get the duration of a song when is playing? Is possible?

I get this info with PHP API from a yt playlist:

[v] => 0.9.9-8f70ff3
[currentTrack] => File Object
[uuid] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[parent] => xxxxxxxxxxxx
[type] => ytdl
[mimeType] =>
[title] => Amateras Records -Tear Rain (cYsmix feat Emmy)
[artist] =>
[tempTitle] =>
[tempArtist] =>
[album] =>
[albumArtist] =>
[track] =>
[totalTracks] =>
[copyright] =>
[genre] =>
[thumbnail] =>
[codec] =>
[duration] =>
[bitrate] =>
[channels] =>
[samplerate] =>
[filesize] =>
[filename] =>

[position] => 32345
[running] => 1
[playing] => 1
[shuffle] => 1
[repeat] =>
[playlist] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[playlistTrack] => 136
[volume] => 50
[needsRestart] =>
[queueLen] => 0
[queueVersion] => 0
[modes] => 0
[downloaded] => 71715098
Currently I don't think it's possible to get the duration of a youtube-song... :/
if the bot plays a track via !yt. You can see the red status bar moving in the interface from left to right and it seems, that the interface the duration knows ....
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