You don't need a domain for that - you just need to know the ip-address of the server you installed the bot to. Since you didn't follow the "READ ME BEFORE YOU POST" guidelines, we cannot help you further than that without making too much assumptions.
Creative nick btw - I hope you didn't mix up the username / password fields
Thanks for the nickname comment, and no, I didn't mix it up with my P/W.
And I was tied up in work at the time so I forgot to read that, silly me.
Well, here you go:
O/S: Windows 10 Home
Hardware Specs: Processor: AMD A8-7410 APU - Graphics Card; AMD Radeon R5 Graphics running at 2.20GHz. 6.94GB Of Ram useable, 1.8 TB Hard Drive space useable.
Used Browser: Chrome
Used Version of SinusBot: 0.9.8
I'm not great with technology, so I have no clue whatsoever what the config.ini is, or where to find it.
Sorry ;c