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Solved Move media from another bot to 1

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hi, i've 2 bot on 2 different server and i want to know how to move all the songs from 1 bot to the second bot, to have only 1 bot with all the songs.
Thanks so much!
Why do you use 2 Bots on 2 different servers? You can make 2 Bots with one Server!?

You can delete your second bot and make a new instance to play the song from your secont bot on your first bot.
I know but before were two different servers and recently we decided to join and have only one server, how can I move all the songs of a bot on the other?

with "bot" i mean this:

Not an instance or other, i have 2 directory of 2 bots and i need to put them together(only the songs)
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Not possible to merge two Installations.
Just go and the reupload your Data.
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