• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

MusikBot connectet nicht

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Ich habe folgendes Problem
Ich habe gerade SinusBot installiert und wenn der Bot auf einen TS Server connecten soll bekomme ich folgende

2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not delete from Profilesno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 WARN Could not insert into Profiles-Tableno such table: Profiles
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 INFO Starting instance ts3server://ts.lifestylecity.eu?port=9987&nickname=TS3SB-Demobot&password=&channel=&channelpassword=
2015/09/26 08:41:36 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 INFO TSClient quit.

vServer Infos:
Operating System Debian7-64-minimal
Disk Space 5 GB
Bandwidth 1000 GB
Memory 384 MB
Burst 384 MB

Jetzt weis ich nicht mehr weiter.
Kann mir da jemand weiter helfen ?
___ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _____ BETA
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_ _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|

(C) 2013-2015 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2015/09/26 09:21:51 5cd8d2cd INFO Initializing bot://5cd8d2cd-ed08-40af-a985-b ce507cc9baf
2015/09/26 09:21:51 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 INFO Loaded
2015/09/26 09:21:51 FFmpeg/avcodec v3675236; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 494 codecs
2015/09/26 09:21:51 FFmpeg/avformat v3674980; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later ; 139 formats
2015/09/26 09:21:51 RadioStation data loaded
2015/09/26 09:21:51 Imported radio stations
2015/09/26 09:21:55 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 INFO Starting instance ts3server://37.18 7.145.87?port=9987&nickname=pexabot&password=&channel=&channelpassword=
2015/09/26 09:21:55 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 INFO TSClient quit.


TS3Path = "/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = ""
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
SecretKey = [219, 210, 215, 199, 32, 106, 117, 210, 8, 209, 240, 131, 172, 10, 108, 111, 230, 240, 165, 142, 163, 2, 72, 75, 203, 201, 191, 210, 92, 142, 113, 211]
EnableLocalFS = false
LogLevel = 3
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = ""
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
MTU = 1500
SampleInterval = 100
StartVNC = false
EnableMulticastMetadata = false
EnableWebStream = false


2015-09-26 09:21:55.706269|INFO | | | TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.0.16 (2014-08-04 13:42:43)
2015-09-26 09:21:55.706405|INFO | | | SystemInformation: Linux 2.6.32-042stab108.8 #1 SMP Wed Jul 22 17:23:23 MSK 2015 x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2015-09-26 09:21:55.707181|ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| | libpulse.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2015-09-26 09:21:55.707384|ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| | libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2015-09-26 09:21:55.707445|WARNING |SoundDevManager| | Did not load any sound backends. No (usable) dynamic libraries found.
2015-09-26 09:21:55.727422|INFO | | | Loading plugin: libappscanner_plugin
2015-09-26 09:21:55.727520|INFO | | | Loading plugin: libclientquery_plugin
2015-09-26 09:21:55.727550|INFO | | | Loading plugin: liblua_plugin
2015-09-26 09:21:55.727609|INFO | | | Loading plugin: libsoundbot_plugin
2015-09-26 09:21:55.727635|INFO | | | Loading plugin: libtest_plugin
2015-09-26 09:21:55.730730|INFO |Query | | listening on

Beziehungsweise, könntest du in deiner config.ini
LogLevel = 3
LogLevel = 10
umschreiben, dann den Bot neustarten und dann den Log neu reinposten? :)
Jetzt bekomme ich einen größeren Error
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_ _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|

(C) 2013-2015 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2015/09/27 05:47:20 5cd8d2cd INFO Initializing bot://5cd8d2cd-ed08-40af-a985-b ce507cc9baf
2015/09/27 05:47:20 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 INFO Loaded
2015/09/27 05:47:20 FFmpeg/avcodec v3675236; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 494 codecs
2015/09/27 05:47:20 FFmpeg/avformat v3674980; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later ; 139 formats
2015/09/27 05:47:20 RadioStation data loaded
2015/09/27 05:47:20 Imported radio stations
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not delete from Notifications no such table: Notifications
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not insert into Notifications -Tableno such table: Notifications
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not delete from Notifications no such table: Notifications
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not insert into Notifications -Tableno such table: Notifications
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not delete from Newsno such t able: News
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not delete from Newsno such t able: News
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not delete from Newsno such t able: News
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 DEBUG Could not insert into News-Tableno such table: News
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 INFO Starting instance ts3server://37.18 7.145.87?port=9987&nickname=pexabot&password=&channel=&channelpassword=
2015-09-27 05:47:27.301141|INFO | | | TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.0.1 6 (2014-08-04 13:42:43)
2015-09-27 05:47:27.301315|INFO | | | SystemInformation: Linux 2.6.32-042stab108.8 #1 SMP Wed Jul 22 17:23:23 MSK 2015 x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2015-09-27 05:47:27.302085|ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| | libpulse.so.0: cannot op en shared object file: No such file or directory
2015-09-27 05:47:27.302298|ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| | libasound.so.2: cannot o pen shared object file: No such file or directory
2015-09-27 05:47:27.302362|WARNING |SoundDevManager| | Did not load any sound backends. No (usable) dynamic libraries found.
2015-09-27 05:47:27.324303|INFO | | | Loading plugin: libappsc anner_plugin
2015-09-27 05:47:27.324417|INFO | | | Loading plugin: libclien tquery_plugin
2015-09-27 05:47:27.324451|INFO | | | Loading plugin: liblua_p lugin
2015-09-27 05:47:27.324482|INFO | | | Loading plugin: libsound bot_plugin
2015-09-27 05:47:27.324512|INFO | | | Loading plugin: libtest_ plugin
2015-09-27 05:47:27.327641|INFO |Query | | listening on 5639
2015-09-27 05:47:27.360485|CRITICAL| | | Failure during pthread_c reate, error = EAGAIN
QThread::start: Thread creation error: Resource temporarily unavailable
ts3client_linux_amd64: /home/teamspeak/jenkins/workspace/client/64/include/boost /thread/pthread/mutex.hpp:108: boost::mutex::~mutex(): Assertion `!posix::pthrea d_mutex_destroy(&m)' failed.
2015/09/27 05:47:27 5cd8d2cd c5f10cb9 INFO TSClient quit.
QThread::start: Thread creation error: Resource temporarily unavailable ts3client_linux_amd64: /home/teamspeak/jenkins/workspace/client/64/include/boost
Klingt nach zu wenig RAM... :/
Empfehlung ist 1G, viele schaffen's auch mit 512M. Liegt auch mit daran, was sonst noch so läuft...
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