Hola, de un día para otro me dejo de sonar las canciones con el !youtube, he reiniciado los bots, los he dejado 2 días sin usar y siguen sin funcionar, el bot aparece que el mensaje de que va a sonar pero la cancion no se escucha, uso el Youtube Search
Hello, from one day to the next I stop playing the songs with! Youtube, I have restarted the bots, I have left them unused for 2 days and they still do not work, the bot appears that the message that it is going to sound but the song does not it is heard, I use the Youtube Search
Hello, from one day to the next I stop playing the songs with! Youtube, I have restarted the bots, I have left them unused for 2 days and they still do not work, the bot appears that the message that it is going to sound but the song does not it is heard, I use the Youtube Search