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EN [Request] Poke Groups via Command + Message


Active Member
Just open the Spoiler for my request.
EN for English and DE for German explonation.

Hello there,
i am searching for a Script, which could Poke Users(UID) and Servergroups(GroupID) specifically via Commands.
For example:
My Customcommand for this Example is ----> !Talk
Hello, World!
And all chosen clients or all current users in this Servergroup are getting a Poke or Text Message with "Hello, World!"
It should have a Timer or Counter + Timer which sends this Messages every x minutes/times again, until someone with permission sends the Bot "!Untalk" to stop it or it ends which the defined counts. There should be also a possibility to pick more multiple choices with different commands.

This Script should also contain the possibility to customize it individually.
So i would like to have an "add" Button with contains all of my needed Options:
1. Who should get a Poke or Message
2. Which Command do i want to use to start (!Talk) and stop (!Untalk) it
3. The Textfield for the Message to send
4. Would i like to have an option for a Count or Timer, otherwise just once(default) but if so a customizable Count and Timer option
5. An optional Box for ignoring Servergroups

Anymore questions, just ask me! :)
If anyone is willing to code that for me, some Money for Coffee is also included!


Ich suche nach einem Skript, das Benutzer (UID) und Servergruppen (GroupID) speziell über Befehle anschreiben oder anstubsen kann.

Zum Beispiel:
Der Befehl für dieses Beispiel lautet ----> ! Talk
! Talk
Hallo, Welt!
Und alle ausgewählten Benutzer oder alle Nutzer in dieser Servergruppe erhalten eine Poke- oder Textnachricht mit "Hallo Welt!"
Das Script sollte auch die Möglichkeit bieten diese Nachricht in gewissen Abständen oder für eine gewisse Anzahl zu versenden. Hierbei sollte bei der Anzahl aber auch eine Zeit festgelegt werden können für die zeitlichen Abstände. Es sollte auch die Möglichkeit bieten mehrere Befehle und Nachrichten zu verknüpfen.

Kurze Zusammenfassung der möglichen Einstullungen:

1. Wer sollte angestubs werden oder eine Nachricht bekommen?
2. Mit welchem Befehl möchte ich ihn starten (!Talk) und stoppen (!Untalk)
3. Das Textfeld für die zu sendene Nachricht
4. Die option in welche Rythmus diese versendet werden soll
5. Ein optionales Feld zum Ignorieren von Servergruppen

Noch Fragen, schreibt mich einfach an oder postet hier drunter etwas! :)

Wenn jemand Lust und Zeit hat, das für mich zu schreiben, gibt es natürlich auch Geld für die benötigten Kaffee!

Thanks a lot and have a beautiful day!

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Hello, I knocked this out in a few hours - has some of the features you asked for.

Basically, the start command starts each broadcast, which plays after every "Time between each broadcast in seconds."
The stop command will stop the broadcast.
You can do poke or message

I'm not a very good dev, so probably better ways of accomplishing this.

Edit: I should also say that this script works in TeamSpeak. I have not tried it in Discord (and it likely will not work).


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Thanks you very much, your script seems really promising to me! :):)
If you continue developing my wanted request just tell me your local coffeeprices via PM if you like to. ;)

Hey, this pluggin should be good, but can you change user id by group id ?

I need a pluggin to poke every ppl in one group with a command, your still work but i need to add all users one by one..
Hey, I added features to poke by group and ignore users. I haven't tested it fully, and although it should work, it may be (will be) buggy.

Be careful not to double assign! Users will get TWO pokes!

I also added "name" fields so it's easier to keep track of which field is which.


Keep in mind if you restart the bot (saving changes to settings restarts the bot) you will have to restart all the broadcasts manually. You can make a broadcast on by default by using the debug setting "broadcast isActive" but the true behavior of this is unknown to me - I would leave it off.

And I mostly did this for fun, but if anyone is really determined to buy me a coffee, here's my paypal donation link: https://www.paypal.com/donate?business=9422QQ529ATFG&currency_code=USD



Well thanks buddy to give me time ! but doesn't work for me :/ i got this on my Cmder :
2021/01/17 23:30:13 f4dd1666 df92a5e7 PLUGIN error on setTimeout/setInterval callback: Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
at PokeBrodcastCommand:143:38
                  broadcast.ignoreUsers.forEach(function(thisUser, index) {
Stack trace: TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
    at PokeBrodcastCommand:143:39
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at PlayActiveBroadcasts (PokeBrodcastCommand:138:25)
    at PokeBrodcastCommand:133:9

EDIT : ill solve it myself !
broadcast.ignoreUsers.forEach(function(thisUser, index) {
return to undefined cause i needed to put a value inside ignored users, so ill just change
                    name: 'ignoreUsers',
                    title: 'Users to IGNORE. Any UID entered here will not recieve this broadcast under any circumstance.',
                    type: 'array',
                    vars: [
                            name: 'username',
                            title: 'User name. (For reference only. No functionality!)',
                            type: 'string'
                            name: 'UID',
                            title: 'User ID of the user',
                            type: 'string',
                    name: 'ignoreUsers',
                    title: 'Users to IGNORE. Any UID entered here will not recieve this broadcast under any circumstance.',
                    type: 'array',
                    vars: [
                            name: 'username',
                            title: 'User name. (For reference only. No functionality!)',
                            type: 'string'
                            name: 'UID',
                            title: 'User ID of the user',
                            type: 'string',
                            default: '0'

thanks buddy =)
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Well thanks buddy to give me time ! but doesn't work for me :/ i got this on my Cmder :
2021/01/17 23:30:13 f4dd1666 df92a5e7 PLUGIN error on setTimeout/setInterval callback: Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
at PokeBrodcastCommand:143:38
                  broadcast.ignoreUsers.forEach(function(thisUser, index) {
Stack trace: TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
    at PokeBrodcastCommand:143:39
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at PlayActiveBroadcasts (PokeBrodcastCommand:138:25)
    at PokeBrodcastCommand:133:9

EDIT : ill solve it myself !
broadcast.ignoreUsers.forEach(function(thisUser, index) {
return to undefined cause i needed to put a value inside ignored users, so ill just change
                    name: 'ignoreUsers',
                    title: 'Users to IGNORE. Any UID entered here will not recieve this broadcast under any circumstance.',
                    type: 'array',
                    vars: [
                            name: 'username',
                            title: 'User name. (For reference only. No functionality!)',
                            type: 'string'
                            name: 'UID',
                            title: 'User ID of the user',
                            type: 'string',
                    name: 'ignoreUsers',
                    title: 'Users to IGNORE. Any UID entered here will not recieve this broadcast under any circumstance.',
                    type: 'array',
                    vars: [
                            name: 'username',
                            title: 'User name. (For reference only. No functionality!)',
                            type: 'string'
                            name: 'UID',
                            title: 'User ID of the user',
                            type: 'string',
                            default: '0'

thanks buddy =)
Huh that's weird mine works even when ignore is blank. Well glad it works anyway!
Hey, I added features to poke by group and ignore users. I haven't tested it fully, and although it should work, it may be (will be) buggy.

Be careful not to double assign! Users will get TWO pokes!

I also added "name" fields so it's easier to keep track of which field is which.


Keep in mind if you restart the bot (saving changes to settings restarts the bot) you will have to restart all the broadcasts manually. You can make a broadcast on by default by using the debug setting "broadcast isActive" but the true behavior of this is unknown to me - I would leave it off.

And I mostly did this for fun, but if anyone is really determined to buy me a coffee, here's my paypal donation link: https://www.paypal.com/donate?business=9422QQ529ATFG&currency_code=USD

Submit it to the scripts here please ❤️
Your script works great like it should. But for me its a bit complicated to manage the messages, because i have to edit them all the time in my web-interface, but i'm hyped to get some new updates!

Enjoy your coffee! :D

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