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Sinusbot dont work

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hi, i install the sinusbot but when i start him dont work

_____ ___ _______ _ _ _
|_ _/ __|__ / __| ___ _ _ _ _ __| | |__ ___ __ _ _ _ __| |
| | \__ \|_ \__ \/ _ \ || | ' \/ _` | '_ \/ _ \/ _` | '_/ _` |
|_| |___/___/___/\___/\_,_|_||_\__,_|_.__/\___/\__,_|_| \__,_|

(C) 2013-2015 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d INFO Initializing bot://1817213d-e60c-4a45-b00d-30073f09cdbe
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got user://be1e8dc5-8347-4dad-a23e-11270cc086e5/admin
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got user://078e76a2-f1aa-4879-9d64-59dedad16712/pacman
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://0ffcade8-9ef0-4458-8ae8-b80ebc0192a4
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://f5d866e2-3f6d-41f7-92f4-635493a61a39
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://ef1b8eb7-5043-4c65-9993-99e7fc63bb44
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://49714fd7-1300-4ccb-b2e2-3183dfdd9b3c
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://c642293e-12dc-488a-b1ce-bc1f423b4ed5
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://3fd99fdc-7be5-4cd3-8445-d1749e2e5d99
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://af55fb0a-eb5d-4deb-b5a9-c0578fefab0d
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://acf85b2d-97b0-423f-9bb3-568a28b0843a
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://d1ccc6b1-f4f6-4218-8d26-f5754332e31e
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://4bf7ed5d-7727-48c1-9bcc-342f15ec1f75
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://8d2f17bc-e9e0-4e3e-9b96-b94f3452e01c
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got file://a986eeeb-5626-4247-94e2-7050269eea43
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d DEBUG Got playlist://4ed242b9-dd74-43c6-b537-e395e5c0722b
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d d1a311e4 INFO Loaded
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d d3e99ba3 INFO Loaded
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d ef1f51ee INFO Loaded
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d a10cdd78 INFO Loaded
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d d50d32b8 INFO Loaded
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d f4cb91f9 INFO Loaded
2016/04/25 13:15:52 FFmpeg/avcodec v3675236; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 494 codecs
2016/04/25 13:15:52 FFmpeg/avformat v3674980; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 139 formats

25/04/2016 13:15:52 ***************************************
25/04/2016 13:15:52 *** XOpenDisplay failed ( :1.0)

*** x11vnc was unable to open the X DISPLAY: ":1.0", it cannot continue.
*** There may be "Xlib:" error messages above with details about the failure.

Some tips and guidelines:

** An X server (the one you wish to view) must be running before x11vnc is
started: x11vnc does not start the X server. (however, see the -create
option if that is what you really want).

** You must use -display <disp>, -OR- set and export your $DISPLAY
environment variable to refer to the display of the desired X server.
- Usually the display is simply ":0" (in fact x11vnc uses this if you forget
to specify it), but in some multi-user situations it could be ":1", ":2",
or even ":137". Ask your administrator or a guru if you are having
difficulty determining what your X DISPLAY is.

** Next, you need to have sufficient permissions (Xauthority)
to connect to the X DISPLAY. Here are some Tips:

- Often, you just need to run x11vnc as the user logged into the X session.
So make sure to be that user when you type x11vnc.
- Being root is usually not enough because the incorrect MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE
file may be accessed. The cookie file contains the secret key that
allows x11vnc to connect to the desired X DISPLAY.
- You can explicitly indicate which MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE file should be used
by the -auth option, e.g.:
x11vnc -auth /home/someuser/.Xauthority -display :0
x11vnc -auth /tmp/.gdmzndVlR -display :0
you must have read permission for the auth file.
See also '-auth guess' and '-findauth' discussed below.

** If NO ONE is logged into an X session yet, but there is a greeter login
program like "gdm", "kdm", "xdm", or "dtlogin" running, you will need
to find and use the raw display manager MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE file.
Some examples for various display managers:

gdm: -auth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth
-auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth
kdm: -auth /var/lib/kdm/A:0-crWk72
-auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-crWk72
xdm: -auth /var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/A:0-XQvaJk
dtlogin: -auth /var/dt/A:0-UgaaXa

Sometimes the command "ps wwwwaux | grep auth" can reveal the file location.

Starting with x11vnc 0.9.9 you can have it try to guess by using:

-auth guess

(see also the x11vnc -findauth option.)

Only root will have read permission for the file, and so x11vnc must be run
as root (or copy it). The random characters in the filenames will of course
change and the directory the cookie file resides in is system dependent.

See also: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html
2016/04/25 13:15:52 1817213d d1a311e4 DEBUG VNC quit.
2016/04/25 13:15:52 RadioStation data loaded
2016/04/25 13:15:53 Imported radio stations

Can anyone help ??
First off, could you use spoilers in future.

Could you explain how you installed? Which version are you running? Did you follow the full install guide?
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