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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

SinusBot Not Running

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Pratik Das

New Member
Hi, Ive tried to run the ts3bot.exe but it dosen seem to run
  • used version -
  • used operating system- Win7.1 64bit
  • hardware specs - Win, Core i7, 6gb ram
  • Chorm - No sinusbot related plugins yet
  • Config -
    TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe"
    ListenHost = ""
    ListenPort = 8087
The problem i'am facing is im running the app its openning and closing in second tried running as admin didnt work
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Welcome to the forums,
First off, please attempt to reinstall. This is often the issue.
If you continue to get the same issue, go into the config.ini, and set logging level to 10, and a log file.

I really hope a reinstall solves your problem, but if not, I will be online most of the evening.

Thank you for your reply , But can u guide me how to set logging level ?To be honest i have used this app before and failed to use cause if misguide so i came back again to use it.dosen seem to run
Follow Reddexo's advice. As as i said, if you cant. Please do the following:

Go to your install directory, and open config.ini with any text editor, Once open, change the update the following lines:

LogLevel = 10
LogFile = "<yourinsallroute>\\log.txt"
No working :(
That is the windows version, which is actually very outdated. The developer is atm just working at the linux version (so I know that) and for features. The windows version has very much bugs and is i think over a year old. If you have the ability to use the Linux version, use that :) otherwise we cannot give you support atm.
That is the windows version, which is actually very outdated. The developer is atm just working at the linux version (so I know that) and for features. The windows version has very much bugs and is i think over a year old. If you have the ability to use the Linux version, use that :) otherwise we cannot give you support atm.

I am working on writing a tutorial on how to use Virtual Box to run the Linux version from a windows pc...
Thats not the best Solution it cost so much performance...
I'm really confused as mine was working great last night got YouTube down-loader to work and everything, put in the long process of putting in all the music on my library into the up-loader part set up the whole thing to how I wanted it for now and then I turned off my computer that night cause of a Lightning storm didn't want my PC to get shut off while I was sleeping. I get back on that morning, load up my PC, and double click on the Sinusbot link on my desktop, I see the cmd box pop up, and immediately go away. No error, nothing, so first thing I do, is come on here try and follow what people say on the forums and I get nothing. Same deal, it pops up the cmd box, and immediately closes. I try to reinstall it, in a new directory so it doesn't install on my old one that I put so much work into, and it works fine, but the one I put so much work into doesn't work anymore. Why is this? How can I save ALL that work, and time, I put into my old one? Can I move certain folders over so I don't lose all that music I put into my old one? Thanks for your help/response.

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How can I save ALL that work, and time, I put into my old one? Can I move certain folders over so I don't lose all that music I put into my old one? Thanks for your help/response.


Good morning Tete, welcome to the forums.

I believe there is a way to save the information, (please don't hold me to this) which you have already created. Most of the data is stored in the "data" part of your root folder. I'm fairly sure that the folder at \\data\\store is the uploaded music. within \\data\\tmp I seam to have the album covers (Don't question, it just is) and \\data\\db will be your database files.

Because I haven't had this issue myself, I don't know if the databases are important to saving your data. So here is what I will suggest trying:

-- Backup your Data folder --
-- Copy from your old data folder to your new one the following folders: store, tmp, cashe
-- Start bot, if it works, YAY, otherwise continue to next step
-- Using a SQL datebase opener, find out what is stored in the SQLITE files and report back.

Hope this helps in some way.

We would need more information on what's happening: open a cmd.exe, navigate to the SinusBot directory and start the bot manually. That should give you some output and not let the window close directly.
Hey Tete & Pratik Das, Sorry it took so long, I have finished my tutorial on how to setup Linux VirtualBox based Sinusbot's. Please find it here
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