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SinusBot Whisper Mode

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Hi there folks,

I just wanted to ask a quick question regarding the Whisper Mode functionality on the bot. We are a large Star Trek gaming community known as UFPlanets, and we constantly use your bot on our TeamSpeak server. The two instances provided as standard are more than enough for us, however, our members are extremely interested in the whisper feature included in your licensed versions.

Is this feature included in your free extended licenses? Or are they restricted to your commercial licenses that are not avaliable as of yet? As I said, our members are really interested in using this feature, and if it is just a matter of donating or buying a license we are more than willing to do so. Thanks for your time.

All the best,
Is this feature included in your free extended licenses?
Or are they restricted to your commercial licenses that are not avaliable as of yet?
I don't know when and how this feature will be available but I assume it would be when the project reaches the first stable release (if this ever happens ^^)
As I said, our members are really interested in using this feature, and if it is just a matter of donating or buying a license we are more than willing to do so.
The feature is only enabled for people that donated to/supported this project early on.
I can't remember the exact reasons why the developer decided to discontinue providing this feature but it probably has something to do with the fact that you can't actually buy licenses yet.
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