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Sound Quality/Lag: Help Troubleshoot?

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New Member
Just installed and set up sinusbot and have a question regarding sound quality.
No matter what i've read across the forum, i seem to keep getting lag in clean sound causing that familiar transformer/lag sound.

I've done the port forwarding, setting TS & sinusbot's wifi priority, set the TS channel Codec to Music 10 and i've even tried this on multiple TS servers & had someone else try installing it on their PC with same outcome.

Is there something we're overlooking?

Spec Infos:
Sinusbot Win x64
PC: i5-3210 2.5ghz 16gb x64
ISP: 66down 4.4up

Let me know what else is needed and i can try to assist!
Thank You!
I read that, and i'll try and run the script to get more details.
Just didnt know if there was a simple setting i was over looking in the meantime
Sorry, but that is the windows version, which is atm paused. The developer concentrate actually on features and on stability. If you have the ability to use the Linux version, try that out. Or wait for a update, but that will take a while.
All bots, including professional bots often suffer from what your experiencing, Its to do with the lag between client and server. This is especially true for the windows versions of sinusbot. It is something which will be looked into but for now you'll have to wait. As Maxibanki said, try the linux, it runs slightly better, even on Vb Servers.

If you need some more help, let us know.


p.s. Jniklas2 response in my opinion was unnecessary and you had provided enough information for us to assist you. If you do all your posts like this, your about 100x better then most...
Go to resource monitor and watch your RAM, CPU, and Network. It should at least let you start trouble shooting the issue adn seeing if its a computer issue, network issue, or outlying issue.
Go to resource monitor and watch your RAM, CPU, and Network. It should at least let you start trouble shooting the issue adn seeing if its a computer issue, network issue, or outlying issue.

You can do this, but 90% of the time, none of those would be at capacity. Like i said, the connection with the actual teamspeak and the client is what causes this issue and even dedicated hosting systems can't stop the issue he was experiencing. There are a few tricks you can do to reduce the amount that it happens, but you will always have some sort of lag.

Hope that's help explain.

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