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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

DE Spotify Einbindung


is awesome!
Keine Ahnung ob das geht, aber es wird vom Sinusbot in nächster Zeit nicht offiziell unterstützt und es gibt auch keine Pläne es irgendwann zu unterstützen. Zudem muss man auf die Spotify AGBs und der Wiederverbreitung von Musik achten, da dies in den meisten Fällen nicht erlaubt ist.


Active Member
Ich hab eine alternative Idee dazu: Spotify Api zum extrahieren der Titel und des Interpreten + Youtube Search Api zum Suchen auf youtube und anschließendes Abspielen. Leider ist die Youtube Api aktuell auf 100 Suchanfragen am Tag limitiert, daher wäre das doch etwas unpraktisch. Aber grundsätzlich wäre es so auch machbar.


is awesome!
Leider ist die Youtube Api aktuell auf 100 Suchanfragen am Tag limitiert, daher wäre das doch etwas unpraktisch.
Wenn man einen API Key nutzt, kann man die maximale Anzahl an Anfragen erhöhen lassen. Hier kann man die Quota erhöhen lassen.

Ich hab eine alternative Idee dazu: Spotify Api zum extrahieren der Titel und des Interpreten + Youtube Search Api zum Suchen auf youtube und anschließendes Abspielen.
Ist aber eine gute Idee, wie man sowas auch machen kann


Helping Hand
Ich hab eine alternative Idee dazu: Spotify Api zum extrahieren der Titel und des Interpreten + Youtube Search Api zum Suchen auf youtube und anschließendes Abspielen. Leider ist die Youtube Api aktuell auf 100 Suchanfragen am Tag limitiert, daher wäre das doch etwas unpraktisch. Aber grundsätzlich wäre es so auch machbar.


gibt es schon evtl. Neuigkeiten in Sachen Fortschritt?

Gruß ;)



I've come across a similar issue where the SinusBot Spotify integration is not working as expected. The script appears to be set up correctly, but when I try to use the command "!spotify <url>", the bot responds with "Error while getting track: undefined".

I have verified that the URL I'm providing is a valid Spotify track URL in the format "https://open.spotify.com/track/ID". I also made sure that the SinusBot and Spotify API plugin are up to date.



I've come across a similar issue where the SinusBot Spotify integration is not working as expected. The script appears to be set up correctly, but when I try to use the command "!spotify <url>", the bot responds with "Error while getting track: undefined".

I have verified that the URL I'm providing is a valid Spotify track URL in the format "https://open.spotify.com/track/ID". I also made sure that the SinusBot and Spotify API plugin are up to date.
I updated the script to hopefully fix the issue. It was parsing the command incorrectly if it was sent from teamspeak3.
Can you test and confirm if the new version works?


New Member
I've come across a similar issue where the SinusBot Spotify integration is not working as expected. The script appears to be set up correctly, but when I try to use the command "!spotify <url>", the bot responds with "Error while getting track: undefined". https://modfyp.com/es/spotify


The newest version should output `Error while getting track: ${err}, id: ${id}` when it's not working. If you aren't getting the id in the error message, then you're likely using an older version of the script.


2023-12-30T22:43:33-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Blinding Lights - Revelries" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:43:13-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Sunroof - Nicky Youre" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:42:53-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Kill Bill - SZA" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:42:33-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Chemical - Lone Tusker" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:42:13-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Paint The Town Red - Doja Cat" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:41:53-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Single Soon - Selena Gomez" to queue: undefined


2023-12-30T22:43:33-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Blinding Lights - Revelries" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:43:13-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Sunroof - Nicky Youre" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:42:53-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Kill Bill - SZA" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:42:33-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Chemical - Lone Tusker" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:42:13-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Paint The Town Red - Doja Cat" to queue: undefined
2023-12-30T22:41:53-03:00 [ :180:28] Error while adding song "Single Soon - Selena Gomez" to queue: undefined
It's either failing to search the YouTube API or it's failing to play the video.
Have you added your YouTube API key in the settings?
Are you able to play youtube videos with your sinusbot install?


It stopped working and is just giving this error:
View attachment 4694
Does playing youtube videos with !yt (or similar command) work? Can you play the YT video for that song with !yt?

Based on experience, it seems that sinusbot just can't play certain videos no matter how many times you try. Other videos should still work though.
If that's the case, then it's not really an issue with the script, but more so with the youtube-dl that your sinusbot is configured to use.


I've got your linked, updated script but still getting: "Error while getting track: undefined, id: 1U4jpScCcuS2fsHYIo0ui7"

any idea?