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EN TS3 lol-rankify script - Wishlist | Wunschliste


Wishlist | Wunschliste

EN 🌎: I am open for wishes for the league-of-legends-rankify (link) script, and will possibly mention them. You'll get added in the credits if I implement your idea.
  • What do you wish for?
  • What do you need?
DE 🇩🇪: Für das league-of-legends-rankify (link) script nehme ich gerne wünsch entgegen. Wenn deine Idee umgesetzt wird, erwähne ich dich in den credits.
  • Was soll es können?
  • Was wünscht ihr euch?
I wish/Need if you will be able to make script that will add/remove you group depends if you are in game or not, for example:
You are playing whatever you want(LOL) and bot will automatically give you Group "Playing:LOL". That´s all. When you will finish or quit game and your status from https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#spectator-v4/GET_getCurrentGameInfoBySummoner will be "Data not found"[That´s what you get when you are not in game, otherwise you get whole info about game], it will remove you that group[If you have it on yourself].

Thanks David.
I wish/Need if you will be able to make script that will add/remove you group depends if you are in game or not, for example:
You are playing whatever you want(LOL) and bot will automatically give you Group "Playing:LOL". That´s all. When you will finish or quit game and your status from https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#spectator-v4/GET_getCurrentGameInfoBySummoner will be "Data not found"[That´s what you get when you are not in game, otherwise you get whole info about game], it will remove you that group[If you have it on yourself].

Thanks David.
Hey @Justy

I definitely did think about this. The reasons why I did not implement this are the following:
  • it requires the script to run each X seconds, which i dislike over how it currently functions
  • seems like this may be a reach into privacy of the user, since he may want to play alone from time to time, without anyone knowing
Although i see those reasons as valid for my community, i understand that others may think differently.

So if I get to it, I may implement this function as an option (not default) in the backend.

Thanks for sharing your wish @Justy . If you have anything else on your list, I'd be glad to hear about it!
Hey @Justy

I definitely did think about this. The reasons why I did not implement this are the following:
  • it requires the script to run each X seconds, which i dislike over how it currently functions
  • seems like this may be a reach into privacy of the user, since he may want to play alone from time to time, without anyone knowing
Although i see those reasons as valid for my community, i understand that others may think differently.

So if I get to it, I may implement this function as an option (not default) in the backend.

Thanks for sharing your wish @Justy . If you have anything else on your list, I'd be glad to hear about it!
Hey @Frizzant, I am glad for your fast response. Well, maybe if there would be some option that they can set up if they want/don´t want to share their game status it would be nice, we have on our Teamspeak script and when they pm bot (or set it on web) their steam ID[And have public profile] bot set them Groups depends on what game they currently playing, So I wondered that would be nice to make for LoL too, and because I am just beginner and I saw your great script I wanted to ask if you can do it when you will get to it.

Anyway, Another Idea is to make "Looking for XXX" [Depends on what they set up] and if someone wants to play and will be in the room for example [Free ADC] and someone will write bot !lf ADC, it will automatically write them "XXX Look for ADC, Their rank is XXX, if you want join them reply YES" and if they reply YES it will automatically write to that player who looks for ADC that member wants to play with them. [Or just simply member setup Free ADC group and when someone writes!free ADC it will automatically send them a list of members that have group FREE ADC. :D ]
It's like you are reading my mind. I actually had that in mind too. To make the looking for group sensible enough, it seems to then get quite complex. Because you want to keep interaction low (since most users have no idea how to user commands etc, and don't want to deal with it). So there are options.... it's just complicated. This one will most likely not be included.

However I am already in the works with the online checker. Testing stuff and so on. I'll PM you when I either got it test-ready or ready. So you can download and check it out. There is always the DEV branch on github. But I don't recommend you use it, unless you know what's going on in the script. (The DEV version can be in a non working state)
By the way, what about Verify option? I saw someone have that too. @Frizzant
Yep. DrWarpMan has that. To be honest I don't have the slightest idea of how to implement that, or even what exactly is meant by that.
What do you understand by verify option? What does it do, how does it function?
Yep. DrWarpMan has that. To be honest I don't have the slightest idea of how to implement that, or even what exactly is meant by that.
What do you understand by verify option? What does it do, how does it function?
I mean that would be awesome that you have to Verify if it´s you, so noone can pretend you and have fake ranks. Got it?
I mean that would be awesome that you have to Verify if it´s you, so noone can pretend you and have fake ranks. Got it?
Well, currently you can just set that users can not set their own description. (Like on our TS3)
So you have to go by an admin to add the description/summonername.

I'm not sure how else you could do a real validation, since the RIOT API is only GET and to my knowledge you can not verify it within your lol account. The only way to verify it would be that the bot writes to the user which you are setting the description for. But the user then can stil decide if he accepts/denies himself. So I just skip this entire step which seems to complicate everything, by only letting admins set the description for the users.

I always try to keep the non-technical users (which is basically everyone) interaction with a bot to the bare minimum. (with this script the needed interaction is zero)
This simply due to the fact, that people don't want to deal with bots and commands, and they almost get a seizure (this is my assumption, not based on any survey or something) just thinking about that. And i can totally understand that.
Your wish has been granted. Check out the most recent version V1.2.0 in the master branch. It did not seem to cause any errors in my testing, so I figured I put it in the Master branch to download.
Currently there are some unnecessary logs from the script, but they should not hurt anyone. After all we are still in BETA ;-)

TLDR for the update; backwards compatible, feature disabled by default

ein mega geiles Script, habe es selber mal versucht aber nicht hingekriegt.

ich würde es cool finden wenn man sehen könnte wie viele Masterys man insgesamt hat, also die Summe aller Masterys zusammen oder wenn man sehen könnte mit welchem Champion man die meisten Masterypoints man hat, das ist in der API unter CHAMPION-MASTERY-V4 zu finden.

mfG Marc
Hallo Marc
Grundsätzlich sicherlich machbar. Aber wie stellst du dir das vor? Willst du 200 servergruppen für jeden champion erstellen?
Hallo Frizzant,

vielen Dank für dein tolles Skript/Plugin, ich nutze es sehr gerne für unsere Community.

Mein Wunsch wäre, eine Art der Spielersuche über eine lokale Datenbank zu implementieren.


Spieler 1 = Rank (Dia), sucht ein (Normal)
Spieler 2 = Rank (Silber) sucht ein (DuoQ)
Spieler 3 = Rank (unranked) sucht ein (Normal)

Der Bot könnte dann nachdem in die Datenbank eingeht "Spieler 3" sucht ein "Normal" den "Spieler 3" anschreiben und ihn darüber benachrichtigen : "Hey Spieler 3, Spieler 1 sucht auch ein Normal Game, vielleicht wollt ihr eine Runde zusammen spielen?".

Hierbei wäre eine reine Unterteilung in (Normal (alle in einen Pot)) und (Ranked + Elo) sehr nützlich. Alles weitere zu unterteilen wäre wahrscheinlich zu aufwändig und sinnfrei.

Eine Funktion zum löschen dieses Datensatzes oder ein automatisches löschen durch einen Timer nach Min. X, wäre ebenso wundervoll.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ich liebe dieses Script!
Ich habe ein LoL- Clan mit ueber 5300 registrierte User. Sehr viele von diesen wünschen sich, dass man die Solo/Duo Q und FlexQ anzeigen kann, also sprich beides. Momentan ist es ja so, dass man nur das höchste von beiden oder nur Solo/Duo ODER FlexQ anzeigen kann. Wenn das umsetzbar wäre, wäre das asbolut Krass!
Ich liebe dieses Script!
Ich habe ein LoL- Clan mit ueber 5300 registrierte User. Sehr viele von diesen wünschen sich, dass man die Solo/Duo Q und FlexQ anzeigen kann, also sprich beides. Momentan ist es ja so, dass man nur das höchste von beiden oder nur Solo/Duo ODER FlexQ anzeigen kann. Wenn das umsetzbar wäre, wäre das asbolut Krass!
Grundsätzlich überhaupt kein Problem. Derzeit haben aber Projekte wo ich bezahlt werde Vorrang. Deshalb habe ich derzeit leider wenig Zeit.
Ein Review fürs Skript würde mich aber trotzdem erfreuen =) (Link)
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