I hope the update will come this month. I think the removal of the limitations makes a lot of sense.
Your questions have already been answered in the first post of flyth.Hey, @flyth .
I have some question regarding about your announcement, does this changes may impact to Discord instances? I mean, since the current version of Sinusbot (1.0.0-beta.16-ba60e37) still has limitation of bot instances which is 2 instances, you said, for the next changes, the future version of Sinusbot will be unrestricted, does that means the limitation of bot instances also get changed to unlimited instances without any licenses?
And can I use Sinusbot software for commercial purposes after you release the future version of Sinusbot which is the unlocked version?
Sorry for my bad english, because I'm not a english native speaker.
I have some question regarding about your announcement, does this changes may impact to Discord instances
From July 2022 onwards, the SinusBot will be completely unlocked and unrestricted for all users for free. There will be no instance limit anymore
And can I use Sinusbot software for commercial purposes after you release the future version of Sinusbot which is the unlocked version?
You will also be allowed to sponsor and rent the bot to third parties at no cost.
Ah, sorry, I didn't aware about that. Thank you very much. Should I delete my previous thread? It seems I was being dumb on that timeYour questions have already been answered in the first post of flyth.
The new version is not released yet.Can`t find it, sorry for asking but when will it be relaesed for install...little noob with this ;-)
No ETA.When will it be released?
Wir reden hier von der license page im Forum. Es gibt kein bot update. Bitte lese die Posts hier nochmal genau durch.Wie bekomme ich das mit das das Freigeschaltet ist muss ich neuinsterlieren weil bis jetzt ist noch nichts freigeschaltet. Habe bis jetzt immer noch die 2 Instanzen und mehr geht nicht.
Wenn du den neuesten Post von flyth nochmal durchlesen würdest, dann siehst du, dass du eine Lizenz beantragen musst, welche innerhalb der nächsten Tage freigeschaltet wird.Aber wann kann man die Lizenz herunterladen und auf seinem sinusbot Instanz laden ?
Wo kann ich die Lizenz beantragen?Wenn du den neuesten Post von flyth nochmal durchlesen würdest, dann siehst du, dass du eine Lizenz beantragen musst, welche innerhalb der nächsten Tage freigeschaltet wird.
Die Lizenzen kannst du wie hier beschrieben installieren.