• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Recent content by Jean Santos

  1. J

    How import a playlist via youtube-dl?

    Hi, It's all right? This may be an error in the address being supplied to the system, you have tried to remove the ínico http://www just http:// ?
  2. J

    EN Custom Themes

    Hello again, Was currently working on sinusbot order to perfect my techniques on the platform, and with the passage of time, I visualized that have an area with various topics, however, my pergutna is .. At some point, for the free license, clan and/or commercial, will have the option to create...
  3. J

    (Problem) sinusbot :<

    I found this difficult when I was trying to install on CentOS, after two days working on the SinusBot, able to create a standard template for creating new servers quickly .. I recommend you format your VPS and install Ubuntu 14 64bit, this may resolve the issue.
  4. J

    Music folder

    Hmm .. The songs are encrypted? Because the name is replaced by something unconnected to the name of the .mp3 file .. There is a simple way to send several songs to the directory and the panel recognize them?
  5. J

    Music folder

    Any news?
  6. J

    Bot does not start

    sinusbot-0.9.9-f25ac00 Debian 7 - 64bit VPS ( Core i5, 8gb de RAM) None TS3Path = "/opt/ts3bot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64" ListenHost = "x.x.x.x" DataDir = "" ListenPort = 8087 LocalPlayback = false EnableLocalFS = false LogLevel = 10 EnableProfiler = true...
  7. J

    SinusBot Language Brazilian - SinusBot Language Brazilian

    SinusBot Idioma Português Brasil Instalação (PT) Baixe o arquivo br.json Mova ele até o diretório data/locales Abra a interface web do SinusBot e navegue até Configurações Pessoais. Escolha o idioma Português Installation (EN) Download the file br.json Move it to the directory data/locales...
  8. J

    SinusBot Language Brazilian

    Jean Santos submitted a new resource: SinusBot Language Brazilian - Portuguese language Read more about this resource...
  9. J

    How to localize SinusBot?

    Based only on Linux, it is sad .. There for windows? The platform I'm usufluindo right now.
  10. J

    How to localize SinusBot?

    The 0.9.9 version when available?
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