• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
AntiProxy [Block Proxies/VPNs] Say goodbye to ban evading

TS3 AntiProxy [Block Proxies/VPNs] Say goodbye to ban evading 2.6

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Hello everyone,
This is an update post regarding my biggest project here in SinusBot community (not in my developer life tho :p).

First of all, I want to thank everybody that is using the script and everyone that contributed by reporting issues and suggesting new features on GitHub (link at the bottom of the presentation page). After my gratitude, I want to give you updates on what happened and what is going to happen in the next days: The API has changed a lot and it is now a complete and compatible system to detect 99% of the proxies mainly related to TeamSpeak 3 servers. Let me give you some numbers:
  • More than 100.000 new proxies detected/checked or queried after release
  • More than 800 servers (approx.) used my service, thanks!
  • 96% of the queries resulted in a clean IP.
After saying this, I have to tell you that currently, the max requests per hour limit has been enforced to 150 (before it was written 150, but I actually set it to 500) as the API is now stable. In addition to this, I want to really thank everybody who purchased an API key with a donation that will support my project and what I am offering for free to everyone, but, as the user base is expanding, I can't guarantee that this service could be offered for free in a near future, all depends on your donations and my monthly earnings (from my work), so please, if you love and use my script and you have the possibility, make a donation (also a small one), it will be appreciated by me and other users that are using AntiProxy (paypal: [email protected]).

In the end, version 2.0 of the script with a lot of new features you suggested is coming soon, some of them are:
  1. New whitelist and blacklist system
  2. Add server group as a punishment for detected users
  3. Ignore people with a specific server group
  4. Range/ASN whitelist/blacklist (maybe in future releases)
Thanks for your time, and if you reached this point, smash the like button below :cool:
If you will find some inconsistency in the API detection, please report them instead of adding to your local whitelist!


  • Added new punishment mode to only notify admins on detection (no kick/ban or other).
  • Added new punishment mode to send a chat message to the client.
  • Edited the notification message sent to admins, it now includes a link to the client identity, the total amount of connections and creation time (useful to see if it's a spammer or a trustable user).
  • The notification of user checking (!antiproxy checkall) is now sent before checking all clients, not after.
API Changelog:
  • Scanned new IP ranges to avoid false detections (more than 800 IPs, 0.01%)
  • The API is now balancing better the load between the 2 master servers.
  • Added IPv6 basilar support (the API supports IPv6 but the detection is not 100% complete, not all proxies are detected).

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Reactions: SkyCuteFX
The script is finally out of beta. If you encounter bugs or you want to suggest new features please do this on GitHub.

  • Added a new IP whitelist system (if you encounter bugs or false detections you should use it and then report the issue to me). @Lightning
  • Fixed errors when performing punishments if some variables in the config were undefined. @solding
  • Fixed a minor debug message that could be sent in wrong situations.
  • Other minor changes (see GitHub).
Honest reviews (that will not include bug reports) are accepted :)
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Reactions: SkyCuteFX
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