• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Resources by Lukas Westholt

Bag of Dice Lukas Westholt
TS3 Bag of Dice 3.4
Roll as many dice you want of 2 sides or more!
Audio/TTS Notification on Join/Left Lukas Westholt
Send random-selected Welcome Messages and leave-Messages from defined set
Random Kick Lukas Westholt
TS3 Random Kick 2.1.1
If someone sends "!rkick" to the bot, he will randomly kick one from the channel of the server
Last Track on Chat Lukas Westholt
Show last Tracks with !lasttrack or !lasttrack10
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