- Required SinusBot Version
- 0.13.0
- Compatible Backends
- TeamSpeak 3
Diese Script kickt zufällig einen Member aus deinem Channel wenn du es aktivierst. Du kannst die Verwendung des Scriptes mit einem Passwort schützen und auswählen, ob sich der Bot zufälligerweise selbst kicken können soll.
Die Idee und die Basis des Scriptes stammt von @Tunakill
Die Idee und die Basis des Scriptes stammt von @Tunakill
This script randomly kicks a member from your channel when you activate it.
You can protect the use of the script with a password and choose whether the bot should be able to kick itself.
The idea and the basis of the script comes from @Tunakill
You can protect the use of the script with a password and choose whether the bot should be able to kick itself.
The idea and the basis of the script comes from @Tunakill
Image Credits:
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Designed by Freepik