- Required SinusBot Version
- 1.0
- Compatible Backends
- TeamSpeak 3
Auto Server Group add on join
----> [DEUTSCH]
----> [ENGLISH]
Support & Contact
- Set the server group to be set when joining the server.
- You can add certain groups to be ignored.
- (You can enter multiple IDs, just separate them with a ","!)
----> [DEUTSCH]
- Verschiebe die Datei in den (/opt/sinusbot/scripts)-Ordner.
- Installiere OKlib > https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/oklib.325/
- Restarte deinen Sinusbot in der Konsole mit "service sinusbot restart"
----> [ENGLISH]
- Move the file to the (/opt/sinusbot/scripts) folder.
- Install OKlib > https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/oklib.325/
- Restart your sinusbot in the console with "service sinusbot restart"
Support & Contact
- Sinusbot Forum.
- Twitter: @realHerrSammy
- Discord: SAM#4831
- Support via Mail: [email protected]
- TeamSpeak: Play4Voice.com