• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Auto Server Group add on join

TS3 Auto Server Group add on join 1.2

No permission to download
Required SinusBot Version
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
Auto Server Group add on join



  • Set the server group to be set when joining the server.
  • You can add certain groups to be ignored.
  • (You can enter multiple IDs, just separate them with a ","!)


----> [DEUTSCH]

  1. Verschiebe die Datei in den (/opt/sinusbot/scripts)-Ordner.
  2. Installiere OKlib > https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/oklib.325/
  3. Restarte deinen Sinusbot in der Konsole mit "service sinusbot restart"
Das Plugin fügt automatisch eine Servergruppe hinzu, wenn ein Benutzer dem Server beitritt und kann zusätzlich Servergruppen ignorieren.

----> [ENGLISH]
  1. Move the file to the (/opt/sinusbot/scripts) folder.
  2. Install OKlib > https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/oklib.325/
  3. Restart your sinusbot in the console with "service sinusbot restart"
The plugin automatically adds a server group when a user joins the server and can additionally ignore server groups.


Support & Contact

Have fun with my plugin, I am looking forward to your suggestions and feedback!
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Minimal bugfixes (adding/removing the server group)

    Minimal bugfixes: - Server groups are now added and removed directly after 1 second - Many bug fixes
  2. Minimal bugfixes

    Minimal bugfixes: - Many bug fixes Many thanks to all beta testers of my script! More features...
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