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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Expanding Channel

TS3 Expanding Channel 1.5.2

No permission to download
Required SinusBot Version
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
This script automatically creates Channel based on needs

by default your channel structure may look like this:
given that the Channel name configured is Talk % and the configured max free channels is 2

Public Rooms
- Talk 1
- Talk 2

when a user now enters Talk 2 then the script will automatically create a channel with the name Talk 3 so that there are 2 free channels available

Public Rooms
- Talk 1
- Talk 2
    > TeamSpeakUser
- Talk 3

if another user enters Talk 3 then the channel Talk 4 gets created

Public Rooms
- Talk 1
- Talk 2
    > TeamSpeakUser
- Talk 3
    > TeamSpeakUser1
- Talk 4

if now the teamspeak client from Talk 2 disconnects then Talk 4 gets deleted because there is a free channel amount greather then 2

Public Rooms
- Talk 1
- Talk 2
- Talk 3
    > TeamSpeakUser1
First release
Last update


4.90 star(s) 10 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. minor improvements

    add function which checks every minutes for empty channels changed behaviour of delete timeout...
  2. Bugfix

    fix channel deletion bug in mode wait bottom to empty
  3. implement feature requests

    add maximum amount of channels to create add possibility to remove voice encryption add...

Latest reviews

Nice script, I just have a problem because it doesn't delete channels.
Das Script erspart mir sehr viel Platz auf dem Teamspeak und funktioniert bestens. Danke dafür :)
Momentan das beste Script für automatisch generierte Channels.
Mit der Permission "i_icon_id" lassen sich sogar Channel-Icons setzten.

Mir fehlt allerdings noch, dass man die Channel-Nummer also das % auch in der Beschreibung verwenden kann. Wäre super, wenn das noch hinzugefüht würde.


Right now the best script for automatically generated channels.
With the "i_icon_id" permission, even channel icons can be set.

However, I still lack the fact that the channel number can also be used in the description. Would be great if that was added.
Läuft super!
Great Script :-)
Working good! :)
läuft super :)
schnell umgesetzt, danke!
neue Version funktioniert wunderbar, auch das setzen von Channel Icon! Super, ich bedanke mich
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