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Group Protection

TS3 Group Protection 0.4

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Reviews 4.17 star(s) 6 reviews

Nice script but i think some features are missing:
Punish: Kick, Ban
Ad complaint (if this is possible)

Another feature that i would love (dont know if possible withing sinusbot) would be the possibility to add/remove groups via telnet. that way "server query admin" could be protected as well.
Thanks! There is already "kicking punishment" and "banning punishment" will be added in the next update. I am sorry but complaining punishment is not possible through Sinusbot now. And the "telnet" thingy is not possible too, but if you give the bot "Server Query Group" (or it's copy), he should be able to protect the group as well - but I do not know if this works in the latest TS3 version, I use 3.5.X, and in the new version, server query is a little bit changed, so if you have 3.6.X or something like that, it might not work.
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