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OKlib 1.0.8

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Reviews 4.00 star(s) 6 reviews

on Debian 9, and with 0 error on logs when i add that script toggether with "Deault-channel+" sinusbot take disconnect from teamspeak after 1-2h online. when i remove it is totaly ok so is for sure problem of that 2 scripts.
Nutze die Lib für einen Großteil meiner Scripts. Sie ist praktisch und spart eine Menge Zeit, da sie mit sinnvollen und benötigten Funktionen hilft. Wenn man ein Fehler drin ist, kann man sich direkt an die freundlichen Coder wenden und es wird sofort behoben. Ich kann die Library nur empfehlen.
Hello, great script:D

If you need a new update, because some scripts don’t change anymore, here’s the message:
2019-01-15T18:37:21+01:00 [AutomaticServerGroupAssigner:133:20] OKlib could not be loaded or is not compatible with this script. Make sure the latest OKlib version is installed. The latest version can always be downloaded from https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/oklib.325/
SInusbot 1.0.0? If so then that is a bug, since there is no later version and it is probably due to an loading error in the new version. Aka the ServerGroupAssinger loads before the bot loads the OKlib. This results in an empty import and the triggering of the message. In the old version they got loaded in order, but maybe that broke in the 1.0.0

I'm currently looking into this and talking with flyth about this.
Guess would be great, but doesnt work for me :/
This script simply doesnt load when restarting the bot. I was trying to use DefaultChannel+ with your library but both of them dont show up in the scripts tab
Sound like not the latest SinusBot version. Minimum is 0.13.37 :) :)
Its OK i guess
Macht das was es machen soll.
Weiter so ihr beiden
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