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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Server Rules

TS3 Server Rules 1.2

No permission to download

+ Servergroups are back in. You can assign a group on accept and/or deny. (Hope it's stable now (._.) )
+ Poke a user. If you want you can activate to poke a user with a custom message if he gets the rules (useful for mobile clients or ppl that have chat message sound deactivated)

+ Reversed group adding: If you already used this script in the last weeks and you got many users in your database you can activate to give them a servergroup depending on their Database status. So if user A is in the Database as a accepted user and you choose now to give all user which accepted the rules the servergroup "Accepted" then you can check the reversed-adding option and the next time user A connects he will get the "Accepted"-group without the need to do anything. Works for denied-groups aswell.
* A few small bug fixes and typo fixes, aswell as a new default message delay (from 250 -> 200 now).
Changelog 1.1.1

*Fixed a bug in which the ignore groups - option would only apply if you activated the confirm option too.
*Made default delay actually to 250ms (was still 350ms)

*Fixed a lot of typos and reformulated a few phrases (made them clearer)
Changelog 1.1

* (Bug fix)
+ (added feature)
- (removed feature)

- Removed the group adding feature for now, since it's somehow to buggy with more than 1 group. And even with 1 group the script can randomly time out and stop messaging users for about 10 sec. As soon at it is working again I will re-enable it ASAP. I know its most likely the most needed/liked feature of this script.
(Pls don't punch me ._.)

+ added a Kick time you can set if a user gets the rules and hasn't decided in x seconds if he wants to Accept or Deny them.
+ all commands are now case insensitive. So YES, yes, YEs, yES, yEs should all work now. Also you don't need to add an ! to your commands.
+ The Database Reset-checkboxes also resetting them self now. No need to reset them manually anymore ^^
+ Custom delay between each Rule-message. It is in milliseconds. If you got many rules and increased the action limit, you can safely lower the default value here.
* fixed a typo and a small kick bug

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