• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
SinusBot for Windows (64bit)

SinusBot for Windows (64bit) 1.0.0-beta.10

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Hey all,

this version adds support for TS3.3 (you need to install/upgrade that first!) and brings all the new shiny features from the 1.0 beta that hasn't been released on this channel previously :)

You can read more about the new features here.

Have fun!
Hey folks,

this is another Interim-Update to bring the Windows version on par with the Linux version. A lot has been fixed regarding the scripting engine and some connectivity issued. A solution for TS 3.1 as well as some other improvements I've been working on a lot lately will be released soon and announced in here.

Please also check out all the new awesome scripts on the forums. Currently not all of them are available from inside the bot directly, but I'll try to update that soon as well.

Changes since 0.9.18:

  • enh(vm): fix the queue/next command
  • enh: improve the audio mixer so that it can handle several streams at the same time (to create ambience sounds for example)
  • enh(vm): adjust the scripting engine so that it can handle multiple streams (everything audio is a stream, not to be mixed up with streaming audio from the internets); docs will follow
  • enh(vm): make .play() to return a unique stream id (was bool)
  • enh(vm): add an optional parameter to stop that will take said unique stream id to only stop a certain audio stream
  • enh(vm): add audio.setStreamVolume(streamId, volume)
  • enh(vm): introduce aliases for streams; whenever starting a new stream using an already existant alias, the old stream will be stopped - aliases can be defined by appending &alias=theAlias to the track://-url
  • enh(vm): add module ws for websocket communication between userdefined pages and the scripting engine
  • enh(discord): improve disconnect/reconnect handling
  • enh(vm): add invoker to channelCreate/Update/Delete events
  • enh(vm): add enqueueYt / enqueueYtdl as commands
  • enh(vm): add setDescription as method for clients
  • enh(vm): add events serverGroupAdded / serverGroupRemoved
  • enh(vm): add .url() to playlist tracks
  • enh(discord): setDescription will now update the "game"
  • enh(vm/ts): add neededTalkPower / deleteDelay / icon to createChannel / updateChannel
  • enh: improve way to transport audio to external processes
  • fix(vm): make codec/codecQuality/maxClients/order work for channel creation
  • fix(vm): make addToServerGroup() accept int / string / serverGroup-object
  • fix(vm): correctly get channel description
  • fix(ts): correctly interpret server bans (also: fix subscription bug)
  • enh: allow %artist% / %album% / %title% in announce string
I hope you all had a few days to relax (any maybe still have). I certainly have and finally found some time to get some things done for the bot.

This release focuses on scripting and brings some new functionality to it - you can for example connect to a mysql database or to other servers via tcp from scripts. It's still not feature-complete but should get the most basic things done.

Apart from that, some older and rare issues have been fixed. As always, just install the new version into the same directory of the previous version to not loose any data (still, please backup before you do - you never know).

You can find the documentation for the new scripting engine here.

Have fun and a healthy start into the new year


  • feat(vm): add "net" module for tcp connections
  • feat(vm): add "db" module to access sqlite / mysql databases
  • feat(vm): add semver to scripts; specify required versions as "engine" in manifests to use
  • feat(vm): add privileges to scripts in config.ini
  • enh: add "edit file" privilege and bind to tag editor
  • enh: add "volume" parameter to tts
  • enh: add more fields to tag editor (genre / track# for now)
  • enh(vm): add duration/genre/trackNumber to track object
  • fix: for ios clients, make the url bbcode work so that urls will be recognized
  • fix: make MaxDownloadSize work again
  • fix: don't limit avatar filesizes too much (let TS handle it)
  • fix: make drag'n'drop move work again
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