• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Twitch Status

TS3 Twitch Status 2.0.2

No permission to download
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
📜 Promote your favorite Twitch-Streamers
trying to continue the awesome work of @Filtik and @Xuxe
Required SinusBot version: 1.0

Keep selected TeamSpeak channel in sync with specified Twitch channels:
👉 online/offline status with preview or profile picture​
👉 serverwide notification when going LIVE​
👉 automatically assign a LIVE server group while online​
👉 individually customiseable channel layout​
Most importantly, you need to register a Twitch application and provide Client-ID and secret to the script. (>> here).
Be sure you enter all settings carefully to have the script running successfully!

The info-variables which can be used, are listed above each custom fields in the settings. (%Streamer, %Game, ...)

By default BTTV emotes are disabled, subscriber emotes will be skipped on the very first update cycle.
Both options can be enabled on personal preference.

Additional featues:
👉 Custom abbreviations for game titles in the channel name ( > see 40 character limit)
👉 one-time update while LIVE (e.g. to save bandwidth)

❗ smallest update interval = 1 min
❗ minimum latency = 0 ms
❗ smallest timeout interval = 1000 ms
No claim to be completed:

👉 b_channel_modify_name
👉 b_channel_modify_description
👉 b_client_server_textmessage_send
👉 i_group_member_add_power
👉 i_group_member_remove_power

Trivial requirements:

👉 i_client_max_channel_subscriptions
👉 i_channel_subscribe_power
👉 b_virtualserver_servergroup_permission_list
👉 b_virtualserver_servergroup_client_list

There are some advanced settings you might wanna adjust due to your circumstances, but shouldn't be needed for the vast majority:
⚙ detailed logging (useful if you get errors and need help)
⚙ custom latency/delay between each API request (with high channel amount >10 prolly needed)
⚙ custom API timeout limit (might be needed if your bot is on a slow network)

✅ If you like the script or it proved beneficial for you, I'd be glad about a rating.​
❌ If you're having trouble or miss a feature, please post in the Discussion section.​
🏆 Providing the full log with possible errors - pasted on PASTEBIN - makes you a true-blue hero!​

Use at your own risk! Despiting being well tested, I cannot guarantee the non-existence of flaws in the script, with the aftereffect of data loss. Always have a backup! ;)

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Reactions: Rodirik
First release
Last update


3.49 star(s) 35 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Update to 2.0.2

    additional checks for wrong settings switched the internal data processing improved debug...
  2. Update to 2.0.1

    fixed: replacing multiple occurences of "%-tags" in channel description fixed: wrong boolean...
  3. Update to 2.0.0

    Major update with new features and fixes adjusted to the new Twitch-API and the necessary...

Latest reviews

Twitch hat die API geändert. Es muss nur Zeile 445 im Script geändert werden.

Issue fixable - read the latest discussion
Keine Funktion mehr. Aktualsierung = 0
The script works for the most part as it should. The only problem we have found on our TS server is that as soon as a client is known "too long" on the server, the automatic role assignment does not work. It is not a rights issue because a newly created user with admin rights gets the group but an old user does not.
Ich weiß nicht warum aber bei mir geht nix :P Das Script gibt mir nix aus und habe alles gemacht was da Steht außer das mit der Secret ID aber da weiß ich nicht wo die hin soll :P So Pls Help
Works like a charm!
Very good with the Update!
Works great in version 2.0.1
Thanks to TwentyFour for supporting!
Gute Idee funktioniert leider nicht :(
Nun funktioniert die gute Idee wieder. ;)
Weiß nicht warum aber bei mir geht es noch nicht habe 1.6.1 client 3.3.2 und server läuft auf 3.10.2
Durchaus möglich, dass dies an der alten Twitch-API lag, das Update behebt dies.
Funktioniert seit November 2019 nicht mehr und bekommt auch keine Updates mehr?
Nachdem nun eine neue Betreuung für das Skript verfügbar ist, gibt es endlich auch eine neue Version.
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