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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Weather Information

Weather Information 1.3

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Reviews 4.75 star(s) 13 reviews

So far so good. I love it. Been wanting something like this. Good job.
Super gemacht bin sehr zufrieden, und auch nochmal tolles lob an jeden einzelnen developer :) es ist noch viel potenzial zu erkennen
Works beautifully!
Best visual version so far. Those effect are gorgeous. 10/10 png

But maybe a downstep from the previous version....
Why am I trying to download this only shows me a picture?
Now it should work
Gotta give it another 5 stars. AWESOME work man. Love it. Keep up the great work. Thanks.
For those of you where the channel name does not update, check if the channel name will be generated to long. I had that issuse today.

Also if you want to have the feels like temperatur go to
and insert this somewhere between line 363 and 372:

str = str.replace(/%feel/g, convertTemperature(info.main.feels_like, shorten));

Now you can use %feel as placeholder to geht the feels like temperatur.
Thanks for publishing this fantastic script I like it very much.
Very good but i don't understan the Placeholders, Can i get a Example please ?
What placeholder is not understandable?
You set a location in the config and with the placeholders you get the specific values for the configurated location
works excellent!
Very good :D
Works fine!
scripts is good but the api is not free anymore
I don't unserstand that with teh API
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