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A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Ich kann dir das nicht mit 100%iger Sicherheit sagen da ich den Bot ebenfalls immer nur selber gehostet habe
Jedoch denke ich dass es noch nicht möglich ist eigene Scripts irgendwo hochzuladen
die derzeitigen 2 Offiziellen Hoster sind ts-coach.com und ts3index.com
und auf deren Seiten konnte...
i would recommend to use the first solution, they both do the same but with the first you are much cleaner and need to write less
But the Second Solution probably does not even use more Ram
You could even do
Since you have this:
"ServerGroup : " + ev.clientServerGroups + "."
it tries to parse ev.clientServerGroups as string and since a Object as string is displayed like [object Object]
You simply need to remove the String at the Start and at the End like that:
The bot could work like this, there is a Event Listener on Client connect
If a Client connects, the Bot counts the online Clients and checks them with a preset Config Value (you cant read the Max Slots) if a certain Condition is met (2 Slots left)
Then there will be a 60 Second check where the...
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