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A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Habe ich so versucht :P
WARN Error in script (event clientMove): TypeError: Cannot access member 'moveTo' of undefined
var backend = require('backend');
var client = backend.getBotClient();
var defChannel = backend.getChannelByID(config.defChannel);
event.on('clientMove', function(ev)...
Hallo, in der alten Engine gab es das Event clientCount. Gibt es in der neuen eine Alternative dazu?
Mein altes script hat, immer wenn der Bot allein war, den Bot in einen bestimmten channel gemoved.
Hey, i've been trying to Script some Sinusbot Addons lately. At the moment im trying to add a Menu Button that hyperlinks to a webinterface i made for my addon.(Just like the Youtube Webinterface has its own)
It's very annoying to have to click on Settings -> Addons -> Youtube Webinterface, so i...
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