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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Kamikaze

    DE Würfel script läuft endlos

    Nicht gesehen das es schon eine neue gibt^^ Aber konnte es auch lösen. Das Problem war dieses hier .. == "!rollen" || "!dice" Der Operator versucht den Fehler
  2. Kamikaze

    DE Würfel script läuft endlos

    Hallo zusammen! Bin gerade dabei mir ein eigenes kleines script zu schreiben. Bei meiner Würfel Funktion hab ich das Problem wenn ich den Command im Channel ausführe spammt der Bot endlos. Im Privat Chat funktionierts. <15:55:59> "Puuhbär | Winnie der II.": Fehlendes Argument: Bitte höchst...
  3. Kamikaze

    Playlist bug!

    I'm working on a script with youtube-api which does the same like the feature. You can enter url to playlist. it will download all files and add it to a playlist. It's almost done need to upload it into git and will link it here or pm you. Edit: See here >>...
  4. Kamikaze

    Playlist bug!

    Did you tried to update youtube-dl.exe? More Details here >> https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md#faq
  5. Kamikaze

    EN Wrong output of php

    oh thanks.. didn't thought about that. Is there a faster way to get the track-uuid from a finished job? Actually I'm looping $sinusbot->getFiles(); till ['filename'] == $youtubeurl
  6. Kamikaze

    EN Wrong output of php

    I try to download a song via php and add it to a playlist. But I get a wrong uuid from script by adding the song //set_time_limit(0); include("sinusbot.class.php"); include("config.php"); //include("getYTfile.php"); echo "<pre>"; $sinusbot = new SinusBot($ipport); $sinusbot->login($user...
  7. Kamikaze

    Lieder werden übersprungen

    *PUSH* Problem besteht leider immer noch :(
  8. Kamikaze

    Sharing new project

    Done, thanks! :) https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/en-de-musicbot-webinterface-by-kamikaze.3097/
  9. Kamikaze

    Sharing new project

    Hey, I've made an own webinterface for the Sinusbot and want to share it here and asking for additition features etc. In which forum part i can do it?
  10. Kamikaze

    Lieder werden übersprungen

    Betriebssystem: Windows Server 2012 R2 SinusBot Version: 0.9.16-34aebc2 TS3 Version: Config.ini: Harware: - CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2683 v3 2GHz (2 Prozessoren) - RAM: 2GB CPU ist kaum ausgelastet, RAM liegt meist bei 70-80% Instanz-Log: Problembeschreibung Bei meinem Bot sind mehrer...
  11. Kamikaze

    EN [BETA] SinusBot Webstream

    Okay, thanks :)
  12. Kamikaze

    EN [BETA] SinusBot Webstream

    Now it's working! :) PHP Version 5.4.45 If you still want to see my currentSong.php It's running on a Win Server 2012 R2 Do you know why the stream dont work on opera? :(
  13. Kamikaze

    EN [BETA] SinusBot Webstream

    Still the same. Now other line: [06-Dec-2016 22:17:26 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\xkamikaze.de\httpdocs\tsbot\control\stream1\getSongURL.php on line 10 getSongURL.php Line 10/11 if(empty(getName()) || getName() == null ||...
  14. Kamikaze

    EN [BETA] SinusBot Webstream

    That's in Line 11-15 in getSongURL.php if(!empty(getArtist())) { echo '<a class="songlink" href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">Song: '.getName().' from ' .getArtist(). '</a>'; } else { echo '<a class="songlink" href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">Song: '.getName().'</a>'; } I may know why I...
  15. Kamikaze

    EN [BETA] SinusBot Webstream

    Thats you code in index.php <div id="songnamediv" align="center"><h5 id="songname">Loading song name...</h5></div> my Webspace is running on a windows server. i just extracted your folder see here: http://xkamikaze.de/tsbot/control/stream1/ It's only the songname image is loading. In browser...
  16. Kamikaze

    EN [BETA] SinusBot Webstream

    Thank you very much! Works perfekt :) Found 1 issue. It don't display current Track. I implemented your Webstream in my Project and added the current Song with refreshing iframe.
  17. Kamikaze

    EN |DE - PHP Sorting output

    Solved it. Didn't thought that the keys of the sorted array are still the same like Array ( [9] => AAA [10] => BBB [6] => CCC ) Changed it with "$playlist = array_values($playlist);" - Can be closed / Kann geschlossen werden -
  18. Kamikaze

    EN |DE - PHP Sorting output

    Hey Guys! I need help by sorting the array of playlists. Here my sorting function (working) <?php require("../login.php"); $playlist = $sinusbot->getPlaylists(); $playname = $playlist; function aasort (&$array, $key) { $sorter=array(); $ret=array(); reset($array); foreach...
  19. Kamikaze

    EN |DE - PHP Login Check

    Ok, now I did this: $login = $sinusbot->login("admin", "admin"); echo $login["success"]; So when the login was succesfull I'll get "1" as value and i can check if login = 1 than... would it be good or not?^^
  20. Kamikaze

    EN |DE - PHP Login Check

    by opening the link it tell me: Method Not Allowed http://xkamikaze.de:8087/api/v1/bot/login