• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. K

    Non Profit Community

    hallo zusammen, ich betreibe eine Non Profit Community, welche sich noch im aufbau befindet. Ich habe bereits eine SinusBot-Version, aber mit nur 2 Instanzen, war zu wenig ist. ist es machbar, dass ich eine SinusBot-Version bekomme mit 6-10 Instanzen, wenn ich ca.10 € spende? Bitte um rasche...
  2. Kamikaze

    TS3 ServerGroup Notifier 2.0

    I made this script for personal use. Feel free to edit&reupload it or suggest new features that I can implement. Feature Example: Script will send a custom message/poke to a User if the User is in one of the configured ServerGroup (multiple server groups possible) and joined the configured...
  3. DurtyFree

    Winner #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming - Community

    TS3Index: #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming Community TSViewer: #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming Community GameTracker: #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming Community Steam Group: #MLGi on Steam Website: #MLGi Home TS3 IP: ts.mlgi.eu We are an german community, started us a small group of up to 10 people, now at ~75...
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