• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. S

    TSClient quit

    at first, I used the installation instructions available from the link https://wiki.sinusbot.com/en:guides:installation:linux] when trying to connect to the server i got the following 2021-05-04T08:56:57+03:00 Ping failed. 2021-05-04T08:52:07+03:00 Storing configuration...
  2. R

    Can not connect SinusBot to own server

    Excuse my level of English, I'm French. I have a personal TeamSpeak server on my computer. I have on the same computer correctly installed SinusBot. From a TeamSpeak client, I can connect to my TeamSpeak server from wherever I want (I opened the right port on my internet box). My SinusBot can...
  3. F

    Teamspeak verbindung nicht möglich

    Wunderschönen guten Tag allerseits, ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich möchte gerne den Sinusbot auf meinen Teamspeak³-Server nutzen, jedoch finde ich im dafür vorgesehenen Interface keinerlei Optionen zum einstellen der Connection. Sprich IP oder sonstiges. Statdessen will der Bot immer einen...
  4. M

    Sinusbot - TS3 connection problem

    Hello, I can't find solution to fix my problem. I just reinstalled sinusbot by using your script from this site: https://sinusbot-installer.de/ My Specs: SinusBot version: 1.0.0-beta.3-735814e TS3 Client version: 3.3.0 Server version: 3.9.1 OS: Debian 9 64 bit Hardware specs: VPS on net-speak.pl...
  5. r3flex

    TS3 Random Join 1.1

    Random Join script: On connection, script will move client into random empty channel. Script will ignore passworded channels. Options: Max channel needed join power - you can use this to exclude channels with higher needed join permission, (admin channels etc). Ignored Groups - specify multiply...
  6. T

    Source Server Query fehler bei Terrariaserver abfragen

    Hallo. Ich nutze den SinusBot 0.13.37-f37f203 und Source Server Query 1.4.4 Meinen Garrysmode und CS server kann ich abfragen, allerdings wird mein Terrariaserver trozdem als Offline Angzeigt. Wenn ich mein Terrariaserver abfragen will, versucht er laut Terrariaconsole zu verbinden bringt dann...
  7. S

    Problem for the account

    Operating System: Windows 8 SinusBot Version: TS3 Version: Problem Description Hello, I can not connect when he asks me, here is a screnn: I put the password I put to connect to the site but ca put: Unauthorized Please Help me !
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