• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. zumi

    EN Help to get started

    Hello! I've been making bots for Discord without a problem but somehow I don't get the idea with Sinusbot. The documentation lacks some information and it seems impossible to me to figure how to get started by making a simple script. My goal is to have a command that returns API data. Let's...
  2. Frizzant

    EN API V1 not working?

    So I want to experiment a bit more with other options, and make a script page in the backend for one of my scripts. Now if i visit http://myurl.com:8087/api/v1/bot/info I don't see that the API is working (chrome default broken page error). The normal login through http://myurl.com:8087 works...
  3. H

    HTTP API - Add Job returning error code 406 despite completing the job

    Hi there, I've been messing around the the HTTP API but encountered an issue with the API request described in the Documentation as Upload_and_Download-addJob After sending the POST request to api/v1/bot/jobs, SinusBot downloads the requested link and completes the job, but the POST request...
  4. Everlike

    EN How to use http request

    Hello, for quite a while now, Iam looking forward to manage or at least show “databases” (stored arrays of objects) in a webinterface so it’s easier for me to see some data more clear. Unfortunately nobody could really explain me how to do so and I also couldn’t figure it out by myself. All I...
  5. mxschmitt

    SinusBot PHP Library 1.1.0

    SinusBot API PHP Class PHP Wrapper to communicate with the SinusBot API. Usage via Composer composer require sinusbot/sinusbot-api-php Require the composer's autoload.php in the top of your php file: require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; Then you can use the SinusBot API via the...
  6. Kamikaze

    DE HTTP Error bei getPermissions()

    Benutze neuste Sinusbot Version auf Windows. event.on('chat', function(ev) { var Client = backend.getClientByID(ev.client.id()); var clServerGroups = Client.getServerGroups(); clServerGroups.forEach(function(svg) { var perm =...
  7. I

    Solved [Scripting/HTTP API] Getting YouTube URL of a cached video.

    SinusBot Version: 0.14.0-be7bbc4 OS: Linux Unbuntu 16.04.4 Hello, Was hoping if anyone could shine some light on an issue I've been having with both APIs. When obtaining track info through either the scripting or HTTP API, it's possible to get the URL of a YouTube video using the following...
  8. SpinningPlays


    Hello, i need some help with the bot. I didn't found a good tutorial so i hope you can give me a tutorial. With Best Regards
  9. Sephi314

    Autostart instances/uploads/Description

    Hi, How can I auto start instances? Not the bot service only but the bot services+my two instances @ reboot Actually, my ts server and my jts bot are auto launched after every reboot.
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