• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. Galak

    TS3 Message or poke all clients 0.1

    Inspiriert von @Filtik's Script Privat message or poke to all clients unter Verwendung der Command Library von @Multivitamin. Verfügbare Befehle: !massmsg Nachricht !masspoke Nachricht In der Config können einzelne User (via uid) und/oder Gruppen (via id) zur Nutzung des Scripts...
  2. yKiro

    TS3 Send Groups 1.0

    Sending !groups to the bot will give you an overview of your groups sorted by i_group_sort_id. You need to enter a uid in Script Settings to use the command.
  3. R

    Join Discord channel where !play message is sent from

    Hey everyone, I've been using this bot on TS for many years now. Now we have switched to Discord and since all the free Musicbots that are available are pretty bad I wanted to set up my own bot. I can get the bot to connect to a default channel and play music but I want it to connect to the...
  4. PlayWolf

    Bot sendet Song-Nachricht doppelt

    Hallo Zusammen, Ich habe Sinusbot installiert und alles funktioniert super, bin sehr zufrieden. Ich habe aber ein kleines Problem: Der Bot sendet in den Channel-Chat immer, welcher Song abgespielt wird. Das ist an sich gut, aber er macht es doppelt! Bei der ersten Nachricht fehlt, aus welchem...
  5. rufo123

    Message at certain time.

    Hi, is there any script available that will send message, for example, to global chat at certain time. E.g. 10pm?
  6. J

    Private Messaging through bot

    Hi guys, anyone know script that allow me to message through bot ? Something like !msg <nick/UID> <message> ? I wanna do commands through bot to bot, so the message should fit chars like "!" and ".".
  7. Filtik

    Privat message or poke to all clients 1.0

    Privat message or poke to all clients Hier kann man sagen, Name ist Programm. Kurzfassung: !pmtoall [message] = Sendet eure Message an alle Clients !poketoall [message] = Sendet eure Poke Message an alle Clients In der Config müsst ihr die UID eintragen wer dies benützen darf.
  8. zmechu

    Send Message to specified groups 1.0

    Mine modification of script Verify, author Tunakill. Scripts doing the same thing, but completly opposite way :) Sends a message if a user IS IN a specific Server-Group: Just select Server Groups IDs (many as you want allowed) and compose message (BB code allowed - b, i, u, color, url) and...
  9. Diesmon

    TS3 Server Rules 1.2

    This script will message everyone who connects to your server with the rules you added/made. You can choose between a Channelmode (only message user when they join a specific channel) or Servermode. So it will message everyone regardless in which channel they connect. You can also activate the...
  10. S

    Commands request

    Hi So I authorized my friends to control the bot and I want to make my bot answer with a message made by me on command. For example: My friend types "!commands" and he gets a feedback message which is a list of commands created by me. How do I do this? I've tried to do so but i haven't find a...
  11. E


    Hallo, ich habe mal einige Scripts getestet und habe nun ein Problem. Die Scripts Digital Clock und Euro Cup Channel Ticker geben immer wieder folgenden Fehler aus: Could not request updateChannelHTTP returned an error: Error; Code: 500; Message: Error Google konnte mir nicht helfen, finde...
  12. S

    DE [Request] Bot greetings (different servergroups)

    Hallo, ich bin derzeit nicht so fit in .js. Mir schwebt eine Anpassung des "Welcome Scripts" vor, welche den User je nach Server Gruppe anders begrüßt. Jemand evt. schon was produktives im Einsatz und würde seine Lösung teilen?
  13. 5rock4

    Ability to modify any end-user send messages.

    I'd like to be able to modify the !help output and other messages sent to the clients. It would allow people to add things to resemble the server that they are being hosted on, reflect the commands that different plugins and scripts add.
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