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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

script development

  1. K

    EN Pulling Information from website

    Hey guys, I need some help with something I am working for our Teamspeak server. I am still very new to scripting and have been reading through the scripting documentation but I'm not sure exactly how to write a script that will extract a text for example from a website and send it when a...
  2. essem

    channel creation parent channel not applied after update

    Just updated to 1.0.0-beta.1 and encountered a problem with the channel creation now: the channel got created but below the whole channeltree, previously it was created as a subchannel while using this code: //... var currentchannel = client.getChannels()[0]...
  3. Kamikaze

    DE HTTP Error bei getPermissions()

    Benutze neuste Sinusbot Version auf Windows. event.on('chat', function(ev) { var Client = backend.getClientByID(ev.client.id()); var clServerGroups = Client.getServerGroups(); clServerGroups.forEach(function(svg) { var perm =...
  4. Everlike

    Solved [Feature Requests] add possibility to change server.name()

    I think it would be really great to let the bot change the servername. For now, you can change a channelname with channel.name() but not the servername with something like server.name(). I understand that it´s "dangerous" or not safe to let the bot change something like serverpassword or...
  5. Elhadron

    DE createChannel() funktioniert nicht

    Hallo Forum ^^, Ich bin ein Neueinsteiger und versuche einen Skript zu schreiben und habe Schwierigkeiten beim Erstellen von Kanälen. Skript soll einfach einen Channel erstellen mit dem Command ".create" . Den Instance-Log und den Code habe ich als Bild angehängt und hoffe, dass ihr mir...
  6. Qhiliqq

    [Script] Easy AFK Script

    Hi :) I havn't found any AFK script which does exatly the following: If a user is idel/deaf for x seconds he should be moved to specific afk channel. Whitelist for the script (only the selected channels will be checked), cause on big servers a blacklist is much complicated and every channel...
  7. M

    EN Where do I find information to the "SinusBotUser"?

    Hello, I used the sinusbot.getUsers() function, to get the "accounts known to the bot". Now I want to test if the User who writes a msg to the bot, is known to it. I logged "sinusbot.getUsers()" and got [object Object]. I searched in the API but I did not find anything? Pls help D:
  8. I

    DE Auto-Move in bestimmte Channels abhängig der Server-Gruppe

    Hallo zusammen, ich suche nach einem Skript, was jemanden automatisch in einen Channel moved, abhängig von der eben zugewiesenen Server-Gruppe. Hintergrund: Ich benutze das Steam User Query Script, welches jemanden eine Servergruppe zuweist, abhängig davon, welches Steam-Spiel er startet...
  9. mattheoperelle

    EN Way to stop SFX sound ?

    Hello, I'm working on a phone soundboard application for sinusbot and I want to find a way to stop SFX sound, without stopping the main music. With Sinusbot REST API or Sinusbot Scripting API, it's not really important. Is this possible ? Kind regards, Matthéo PERELLE.
  10. I

    Retrieve needed talk power

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.10.8-71ba94b TS3 Version: Feature Request: It would be great to be able to retrieve the needed talk power for a given channel. Currently it's only possible to set the needed talk power via 'Channel.update()' or 'Backend.createChannel()'...
  11. Supreme Eagle

    EN scripting issue- unable to use toLowerCase

    Hi, I am modifying an existing script (https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/mail-system.211/) for my Ts3server and I have hit a roadblock with it. (link for the script [MODIFIED] = https://pastebin.com/acy7p7p8 ) Issue with the old script was that it was created before the new engine was...
  12. X

    League of Legends Script

    Hi guys. Is there any working script for League of legends rank/division?
  13. FloMusicsDJ

    DE Move Script

    Hallo ihr lieben, Ich suche ein Script der einen Automatisch in einen eingestellten Channel moved. Also z.B. Man schreibt einem Bot "support" und man wird in den Support Channel verschoben. Wenn cool wenn sich jemand finden würde oder so etwas in der Art schon existiert. LG Flo
  14. FloMusicsDJ

    DE Suche Whisper Script

    Hallo Ihr :) Ich suche ein Whisper Script wie bei TS3 Index. Mit dem Script soll zur Wirkung kommen wenn man dem Musikbot !sub schreibt das er die Musik über Whisper überträgt. Mit !unsub wird sie nicht mehr übertragen. Wäre wirklich wunderschön wenn sich jemand finden würde der sich in dem...
  15. B

    EN Need some help in developing my script

    Hello, I am pretty new to javaScript and any kind of programming and just started some tutorials, because i wanna learn how to write own scripts. At the moment i am trying to write a script that does the following: If a user joins a specific channel ( for expample searching for Cs:Go mates) the...
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