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server groups

  1. Himsel

    TS3 Plopos Channel permission by server groups 1.3.0

    Select channels that can only be joined with allowed server groups. ➯ If someone tries to join these channels, the bot will check if a valid server group exists. If this is not the case, the user will be moved back. ➯ Subchannels can be included (even if auto generated) ➯ With a valid server...
  2. Kamikaze

    TS3 ServerGroup Notifier 2.0

    I made this script for personal use. Feel free to edit&reupload it or suggest new features that I can implement. Feature Example: Script will send a custom message/poke to a User if the User is in one of the configured ServerGroup (multiple server groups possible) and joined the configured...
  3. zmechu

    Send Message to specified groups 1.0

    Mine modification of script Verify, author Tunakill. Scripts doing the same thing, but completly opposite way :) Sends a message if a user IS IN a specific Server-Group: Just select Server Groups IDs (many as you want allowed) and compose message (BB code allowed - b, i, u, color, url) and...
  4. I

    DE Auto-Move in bestimmte Channels abhängig der Server-Gruppe

    Hallo zusammen, ich suche nach einem Skript, was jemanden automatisch in einen Channel moved, abhängig von der eben zugewiesenen Server-Gruppe. Hintergrund: Ich benutze das Steam User Query Script, welches jemanden eine Servergruppe zuweist, abhängig davon, welches Steam-Spiel er startet...
  5. Tuetchen

    Steam User Query 1.4

    Steam User Query This script assigns a specific Server Group to a Client depending on the current State of their Steam Account. It can either simply display the online status or scan for specific games that are played. Installation Move the script file to the script folder Install the...
  6. Tuetchen

    Server Join Alert 1.0

    Server / Channel Join Alert This script automatically alerts every user with a specified servergroup by either privat message or poking when a user without any server groups connects to the server (well actually a specific channel but you can just set the default channel there). Its just a...
  7. LEpEX

    Group Distributor 4.0

    Mit diesem Script ist es euch möglich per Befehl eine Server Gruppe zu vergeben. Heiß wenn ihr so ein paar Gruppen habt die keine besondere Funktion haben könnt ihr sie darüber vergeben. Aber ihr könnt auch Gruppen wie NoPoke, NoMove vergeben und entscheiden welche Server Gruppen die...
  8. ErikaTV

    Perms for specific groups

    Is there a way I can set certain SinusBot perms to a specific group. Like if I have 4 server groups: Helper, Mod, Admin and Owner. Can I set permissions based on server groups? Cause I am kind of sick telling people to do !register [name] then logging on to the site and clicking the first...
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