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Solved Can I use !sub?

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is awesome!
Hello i got a doubt i read that if i have a Supporter rank (Donor) i could active !sub command, is that true ? or i have to donate again to get it ?
How about Info > Commads?

Subscribe to bot (subscription transfer-mode only)

Unsubscribe from bot (subscription transfer-mode only)

!mode <mode>
change transfer mode; 0 = to channel, 1 = subscription mode

add subscription for channel (the user is currently in) (subscription transfer-mode only)

remove subscription for channel (the user is currently in) (subscription transfer-mode only)
I check info and list of commands but i dont have that, i dont have that commands. i add a picture of my commands list.


  • comandos.png
    72.2 KB · Views: 74
Yesterday, anybody told me, the sub-features isn't automatically bounded at all licence. This feature must be manuell unlocked by @flyth. I'm sorry.
Yesterday, anybody told me, the sub-features isn't automatically bounded at all licence. This feature must be manuell unlocked by @flyth. I'm sorry.
Hmm any idea to try to contact him :( ? it will be good so he can activate the sub for me i dont want to bother him just see if its posible to get it active.
Subscription mode has been added to the "thank you"-licenses prior to the "a donation lets you skip the request queue" announcement and is currently no longer available. I haven't got any concrete plans yet, but I'll think about it.
Subscription mode has been added to the "thank you"-licenses prior to the "a donation lets you skip the request queue" announcement and is currently no longer available. I haven't got any concrete plans yet, but I'll think about it.
Hmm i didnt understand all but is no current available !sub command, is okay sir, thanks for your time to answer me really appreciate hope i can have it soon, that command is so useful i love it :)
No this command is still not available, it was available during the early project and there is no date scheduled at this time probably when the project will no longer be in beta which mean the 1.0 release ^^
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