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How to import a playlist with Youtube-DL

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New Member
I saw this thread regarding downloading a youtube playlist via youtube-dl, but I was wondering if there was any help available on how to actually do so.

Any help would be appreciated.
So how would you actually get the playlist to play? After doing !yt, it just plays that one song and not the rest. Am I missing something here or is this just not supported?
Downloading the Playlist is the feature as far as i know ... but having it stream directly would be neat too ...
Click help at the top. It doesn't show much, yet, but it explains that.
It's possible. I meant the HELP on the bot interface.
Sorry but I'm completely lost right now, help on the web interface doesnt give anything, executing on ts doesn't give anything just redirects to the main site, and i can't issue a command using the bot window.. :s what exactly are you talking about?
again sorry
with last version (beta) i have a similar problem but it is related with youtube contry blacklist of the video and if the bot try to play one of blocked song it get blocked untill you manually select the next music!

About playlist download it work too with !yt? did you try the normal way with "add new playlist > show more options" ? i just downloaded a playlist with 230 files and it worked but i had to remove blocked songs

Also you are on WINDOWS or LINUX?
@Shawnilizer Currently the playlist feature just exists for the LINUX version!!

@Niggolo yes this "bug" is country based... And no you cannot download a youtube playlist yith the normal !yt command !!
About playlist download it work too with !yt? did you try the normal way with "add new playlist > show more options" ? i just downloaded a playlist with 230 files and it worked but i had to remove blocked songs
Just wondering, is that feature for hosted bots only or can everyone use it?
I don't see that more options button and am on the latest beta version, latest youtube-dl and Debian.

My bad. Forgot to change tsbot to sinusbot in my starting script. Works fine :)
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Just wondering, is that feature for hosted bots only or can everyone use it?
I don't see that more options button and am on the latest beta version, latest youtube-dl and Debian.

it is avaible for everyone, what version are you using 0.9.8 or 0.9.9 ? if you dont know how to check it, how do you start the bot, with ./sinusbot or the very long command lol?
it is avaible for everyone, what version are you using 0.9.8 or 0.9.9 ? if you dont know how to check it, how do you start the bot, with ./sinusbot or the very long command lol?
Figured it out. See my edit :)
But just ran into another issue. It only shows the video IDs instead of track titles.

Using the latest youtube-dl
 youtube-dl --version
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