I've got the same problem. Bot is joining some blackfields network ts server, and I can't login to the webpanel. There was no person on earth who could know my admin password.
Hi, sorry for the
very late reply. I just saw this thread thanks to another forum user and I will talk in the name of Blackfields Network.
The guy who created the script first had it to probe SinusBot installations on the default port, he then tried to use the default login and he's been pretty surprised to access that many bots.
He then got the idea to park them somewhere, and needed a server for that. As we are a non-profit with a NPL, he decided to use our server as a default server with 32 slots was obviously too little.
I asked him to use another server, which he did (his server
magically got thousands of slots) at a later time, which is the
ddns.net address you talked about.
This is the reason why you have probably seen our name, your bot was among the first ones to be "stolen" and therefore redirected to us by his script.
I am available if you have any question about that story. Please keep in mind that I did
not use that script, I did
not create it and I do
not endorse it.
The only "hack" I know at this date is the one using the default password, and no, I do not have that script, I just met the creator.
I am therefore not linked with any "raid", and nor is Blackfields Network.